Chapter 31

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In a large but dark room a man was sitting on his black leather throne chair, sipping red wine from his priced crystal wine glass as he looks at the pictures one of his men had brought to him. 'RM is really protecting his son and that fine man of his,' the mysterious man said and let out an evil chuckle, 'That piece of shit Kwon Jiyong didn't even manage to cause a misunderstanding between RM and his man.' Then, he turned towards the man who had delivered the photos to him, 'Yoon tell that Jiyong guy that he has one week to cause at least a little damage to RM, if he fails I'll personally end him,' and the man, Yoon bowed and immediately left the room. Once the door was closed, a loud laughter filled the room and the man stood up from his chair and took one of the photos in his hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing it. Then, he took all the photos, about one hundred of them and started pasting them on the walls of the room, where there were already about five hundred or more pictures of the same person. 'I'll have you all to myself Babe and you'll be my queen, Kim Seokjin,' the man said loudly as he pasted the last picture and kissed it once again before letting out a loud laugh that sent chills down anyone's back who had heard it.

In an apartment just outside of Seom, another man was pacing back and forth in his room as he was talking to someone on the phone. 'Can't you tell your boss I need more time?' he asked in desperation hoping for a different answer, 'No Mr Kwon, the boss' words are final. Please do some damage to RM within a week or he'll have your head. And please remember the contract, you can do whatever you will to RM but you cannot touch or hurt Kim Seokjin,' and the call ended making the man, Kwon Jiyong frustrated and angry. 'What's so special about that slut anyway? If only I could kill RM and that bitch, my revenge would be complete. But now I can't have full revenge because that man wants Seokjin. Ugh I'm just frustrated!' Jiyong spoke to himself as he was still pacing back and forth, thinking about ways to cause some damage to RM. All his plans so far have failed miserably. He was about to throw his phone away when he got an email and decided to read it. The email had three attachments- one video and two pictures and the subject read "Kim Namjoon and his Family". Jiyong immediately played the two minutes long video and when it ended he couldn't help but laugh maniacally and spun around in bliss, 'Oh finally I have something. Just you wait Kim Namjoon, let's see how you deal with this crisis.'

Meanwhile, at Mono Inc in the CEO's office a serious atmosphere loomed in the air as Kim Namjoon's assistant secretary handed the reports of the company's stocks in the last three days. Namjoon had called for an emergency meeting with Yoongi, Taehyung, Hoseok, Hyun-woo and Young-jae. 'Sir, it's really odd that in just a matter of three days our stocks would drop by twenty percent. Ever since the start of Mono Inc, the lowest our stocks had fallen was at seven percent four years ago and that was mainly due to the inflation in the country and we were fairly a new business. But for our stocks to fall out of nowhere when everything is in order is a bit fishy and I suspect that some outside force is using dirty tricks to cause us a loss,' Yoo Jeongyeon, Namjoon's assistant secretary said with a worried tone. 'Looking at it from other businesses' point of view, a drop of twenty percent is a huge loss but for your company it's nothing. However, I think Ms Yoo is correct. It is quite odd for your stocks to suddenly drop especially since you're always at a minimum of ninety percent profit,' Hyun-woo said and then he continued, 'Son I think whoever is after you these past few months is not an ordinary man and I highly suspect that we're dealing with more than one person or one group.' Namjoon kept silent for awhile, just staring into empty space and thinking about Jeongyeon's words and his father-in-law's words. It has been four months since Jin recieved the pictures and everything else, and yet they still couldn't find a lead especially since the enemy didn't do anything else after sending Namjoon the pictures of Jin. It's like they've stopped and for a month Namjoon thought that they stopped but he was wrong because this sudden drop of his company's stocks is like Jeongyeon and Hyun-woo had said, it is odd and it's likely to be the work of some outside force, or in this case, someone who wants to ruin Namjoon.

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