Chapter 14

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It's been exactly two weeks since Kookie's breakdown and a lot of things took place during these fourteen days. Jin had visited Namjoon's home four times in the two weeks to check up on Jungkook and see if there are any signs of late PTSD or any other trauma, but thankfully, the doctor had not noticed any such bad signs. Namjoon also had a major breakthrough in the underworld where his group had finally managed to catch the problematic mafia group called Golden Aura who had been hurting innocent citizens and smuggling drugs using the city's underground pipeline area. After catching them, RM destroyed their drug warehouse and also took away all their weapons while he himself took care of the group and punished them well and later putting them into Whalien Group's special dungeons at their headquarters. Apart from that, Namjoon and Jin were getting to know more about each other and their chemistry is undeniably amazing and that clearly shows when Jin would go over to Namjoon's to check up on Kookie and they spend hours playing with and nurturing the little boy like parents would, thus getting a lot more closer and more comfortable with each other.

It was a Friday evening, around 6 in the evening and there were no more patients for Jin to see. Jimin had also left half an hour ago since his mother was still not doing very well, so there's only Jisoo and Jin in the clinic. 'Well I guess there'll be no more patients, we waitted an extra hour and there's been no one so far, we can close then Jisoo-ah,' the doctor said as he had already locked his cabin on his way out, 'I think that's a good idea Dr. Kim, but I'll lock up a little later when Jennie comes to pick me up. I hope you don't mind,' Jisoo said, 'Not at all. I'll get going then, and enjoy your date,' Jin said in a teasing tone making his receptionist blush really hard. 'Thank you for your hard work and Goodnight,' 'Thank you for your hard work, Goodnight and be safe oppa,' the two wished each other before Jin finally stepped out if the lobby and headed outside.

As he stepped outside, the cool breeze blew on his face making him feel refreshed and rejuvenised since the air wasn't cold anymore, it being spring after all. He looked up at the orange sky and smiled, feeling happy and satisfied. Just as he reached the bottom of the few steps that led to the sidewalk, a small figure came running at full speed from behind him and hugged his legs, bringing the doctor to a halt because of the force and the surprise. Jin gave himself a few seconds to calm down from the shock and then he turned back, a frown on his face because he did not know why someone would just do that to him but when he saw the person who had hugged his legs, he had the biggest smile on his face before crouching down on his knees and bringing them into a warm embrace. 'Kook baby you scared me,' he said in a whiny tone making the boy giggle, 'I'm sowwy uncle Jinnie, I just missed you vewy much,' Kook said as he hugged Jin tightly and placed a kiss on his cheeks, 'What are you doing here baby? Are you alone? Where is appa?' the elder asked in a frenzy, now worrying about the boy.

Meanwhile, a few minutes ago, Namjoon had reluctantly brought his son to Jin's clinic because the boy had cried so much saying he missed his uncle Jinnie. He knew the doctor usually got off work around 6 because even though his timing is from 9 to 5, he would always wait in case there were some patients but he felt uneasy to just visit the man without prior notice, however, just as he was about to call him, Kookie stopped him saying he wanted to surprise him. So here they were, waiting for Jin to come out. When he did come out, Namjoon felt his heart thump. The man looked stunning- standing at the top of the steps and looking at the sky with the most beautiful smile on his face, he hates to admit it but he knew that he's starting to like Kim Seokjin in a more than friendly way; but, he quickly shook his head and got out of his thoughts, telling himself he can't fall in love. Just then, Kookie ran towards Jin at full speed and Namjoon saw that the doctor froze in surprise and when he turned around he saw a little frown that made his heart ache a little but then when he saw the genuine happiness on his face when he saw his son, his heart warmed up and he just couldn't chase away the feeling that's starting to grow more each passing day.

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