Chapter 42

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Jin was still crying into his arms as he sat alone in the corner of the barn that was surrounded with stacks of hay that almost felt like a prison, suffocating the male even more. He didn't know how long he's been crying and he's starting to feel light headed because of dehydration, he also felt his stomach growling in hunger and this uneasiness settling at the pit of his stomach. As he was sitting there, crying, he heard the barn doors being opened since Zico had locked them when he left and then he heard the sound of the men who were guarding him welcome their boss that made Jin shiver in fear once again because now he didn't know what will happen to him. Then he heard the voice of the man he dreaded, 'I want you to leave the area and head back to the base to prepare all the necessary things I'll need for my escape,' he said in an authoritative tone, 'But boss there are no other men here to protect you,' one of the men said and Zico just laughed loudly making Jin nervous as he paid close attention to the conversation happening on the other side of the haystacks. 'Protect me from who? Our plan was successful and Kim Namjoon and his men are dead,' he said in a smug voice as the two men cheered loudly while Jin felt his whole world collapsed and his heart shattering into millions of pieces- what he heard Zico say made him want to throw up and curl into a ball, wishing that it was not true and deep down in his heart the doctor refused to believe that his fiance was dead. Suddenly his vision blurred more and more as tears continually streamed down his face while his right hand covered his mouth to stop the sobs from escaping but he failed to do so because the grief that was taking over him knew no bounds. He had just heard from his fiance's enemy that his fiance, his beloved Joonie was murdered and he felt like he'll die too. However, just as he was about to fall into a more depressive and grieving state a flash of his son smiling at him with his cute bunny teeth showing ran through his mind making the doctor shake most of the negative thoughts away from his mind.

It was like a wake up call for Jin not to wallow in his grief for now, as his son's face flashed before him making him more determined to escape. If what Zico said was true then even if it breaks his heart he had to be strong for his baby and immediately find a way to escape and deep down he hoped that his Joonie was still alive because his fiance is a strong man who cannot be defeated so easily. So, he quickly tried wiping his tears away and listened to the conversation once again, '......Make sure all the weapons are in the helicopter, also make sure that all the heroine from our base will be shipped to Miroh,' Jin heard Zico barking out orders to his men, 'But what will you be doing here boss? Won't you be bored?' 'Bored? How will I be bored? First of all my number one enemy is dead and when I return back to Bangtan in another six months I'll be the new mafia king, secondly my enemy's lover whom I have been obsessed with for months is in my hold and you think I won't have my fun? I'll have my way with him all night long, I'll fuck him till the sunrise and when I'm fully satisfied we'll leave for Miroh.' 

Jin almost threw up right then and there when he heard Zico's words. He will not let that man touch his body and defile him, he knew what it felt like to have unwanted hands all over his body when Ji-yong tried to rape him years ago and he was not going to go through that again- his body was his and only Namjoon is allowed to touch and feel and love it. But how can he escape? He's sure Zico will try to rape him the moment the men leave and that will not allow him to run away since the men will still be too close to the barn so they can easily catch him. But when he thinks about his fiance and their son, he found an all new strength and determination to fight the man off no matter what it takes and he grits his teeth in anger as he heard the men leave and Zico throwing away the haystacks that surrounded Jin. In no time, most of the haystacks were thrown messily on the floor and the doctor backed away from the man that was approaching him with nothing but lust in his eyes and a smug smile on his lips as he carefully and slowly unbuckled his belt and threw it far away as he licked his lips and palmed his crotch making the doctor gag and tremble. 'Oh don't be frightened my princess, you're gonna enjoy the night till the morning becaise I'm a king in bed. I'll even prepare you well and let you adjust to my size since I want to help you relax, then I'll fuck you nice and deep if you don't resist,' Zico said as he stopped a few centimeters away from Jin who had no where else to back away as his back hit the wall. The man tsked as he saw his obsession trembling in fear and tears rolling down his cherubic cheeks, 'You fucking slut stop crying and behaving like a child, it's not like you're a virgin who has never had a cock up his ass so shut up and just take what I'll give you or I'll use brute force,' Zico spoke in an annoyed tone but Jin was not having it, 'You'll never get to touch my body like my lover can,' and immediately his captor was fuming in anger and in less than two seconds he had punched the doctor's jaw hard that blood came out of his mouth, his lips also bleeding due to the sudden force.

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