Chapter 45

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'Jinnie~ baby~,' Namjoon softly called out in an attempt to wake up his sleeping  fiance as he gently cards his fingers through his lover's hair, 'Honey~,' he called out again and then pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead stirring the sleeping male. 'You've got to wake up sweetheart, you need to eat a little,' and Jin slowly opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times before he could get rid of the sleepiness that was still over him. After a minute or so, the doctor was more awake and a pout immediately formed on his plump lips making his fiance coo at him as he quickly but carefully kissed the pout away. 'What's got my angel pouting huh?' Namjoon lovingly asked his lover who smiled softly at him, 'I'm still sleepy,' he answered making the elder chuckle softly, 'I'm sorry baby. I really didn't want to wake you up while you were sleeping so peacefully but you haven't eaten the whole day and its not good for you or for our baby,' 'Mm I guess I can't just sleep without eating, I do have to eat for two now,' Jin replied with a wide grin on his face- the happiness of knowing that they're going to have another child still not fading. Namjoon smiled widely as well as he helped his pregnant fiance sit up, 'Yes you are my love, and I know I haven't really said much about the pregnancy because we didn't have much privacy earlier but I want you to know that I'm so proud of you love and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for bearing our baby. We didn't plan on this baby, we haven't even talked about having another child but I want you to know that I'm the happiest man on earth right now my love and I'm really grateful for having you in my life and I also hope that you're just as happy as I am,' 'Of c-course I'm happy J-Joonie, it's the best thing that's happened to me after meeting you and Kookie. I'm so happy especially that our first child is also as happy as we are,' Jin said through sniffles as his hormones are making him extra emotional so Namjoon carefully brought him to his lap and cradled his love gently and whispered praises and 'I love yous' in his ear to calm him down.

After Jin had stopped sniffling and he had calmed down Namjoon pecked his lips softly, 'Baby do you want to have dinner downstairs or would you like to have it here?' he then asked with a whipped smile that earned the same smile from his fiance, 'The others left didn't they?' 'Yes my love, it's already past midnight.' Jin's eyes widened when his lover told him that it was quite late and he started hitting his chest, 'Why didn't you wake me up earlier? I didn't even get to thank everyone and now we're gonna have to stay here and cause your parents inconvenience,' he rambled on making Namjoon gulp in nervousness but thankfully his great and awesome mother-in-law knocked on the door and entered the room with a tray of various dishes on her hands. 'Now my sweet Jinnie don't be too harsh on your fiance. He didn't wake you up because he knew the day had been a lot for you so he wanted you to rest and recover, he also made sure to thank everyone and told them that you really appreciated their help and support, on top of that he even kept on checking on you in case you were uncomfortable or having nightmares. And no one is mad at you for sleeping sweetheart, we're in fact happy that you can sleep so well,' Iseul chided softly as she carefully placed the tray on the nightstand and then placed a soft kiss to her son's forehead. 'Now I'll leave you two to eat and Kookie is sleeping with Hyun-woo and I so you don't have to worry. Have a goodnight my dears,' 'Goodnight eomma,' Jin and Namjoon said simultaneously with a warm smile and Iseul headed out of the room and softly closed the door behind her.

The moment Iseul exited the room, Jin started crying again making Namjoon confused as he once again started comforting his fiance, 'What's wrong my love? Are you uncomfortable?' the elder asked carefully but Jin just shook his head and buried his face into his fiance's neck, 'I'm such a bad partner. I didn't even think about you and just started n-nagging a-at you, please f-forgive me J-Joonie please don't me m-mad and l-leave me,' he sobbed and Namjoon just smiled softly as he realised the pregnancy hormones are making his angel's emotions fluctuate and change in such little time. 'Oh my darling I'm not mad at you, I know that you want to thank everyone because of your kind heart but I just wanted you to rest. So how about I'll arrange a dinner for all us in two or three weeks time and you can thank them then okay? And what is this about me leaving you? Kim Seokjin I will never leave you baby, never. I love you so much my love, you're my world and the father of our children,' Namjoon said as he gently tilted his fiance's face to face him, 'I love you too Joonie and I'm sorry for being so emotional, these fucking hormones,' 'Don't apologise for things you can't control my love and besides you can feel whatever you want and I will never hold it against you. You're carrying another life inside of you bun and you can be angry or sad or overwhelmed or happy and I won't mind, I'll always be here to hold you and listen to your feelings,' 'I- I how did I get so lucky to have you as my future hubby and father of our kids?' Jin asked with teary eyes as he captured his fiance's lips in a loving and gentle kiss. 'Let's have our dinner yeah?' the elder asked after they broke away from the kiss and his fiance nodded, 'Can you feed me?' he asked with a cute pout and how can Namjoon say no to his beautiful angel? So, the couple enjoyed their late night dinner together and after they were done they continued to talk and plan about their future until they both fell asleep in each other's arms, happy and content that they are once again in the safety of each other's arms and no one can get to them.

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