Chapter 44

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When Namjoon reaches the parking lot with his fiance still in his arms, he smiled warmly to himself and thanked Min Yoongi in his heart for always being one step ahead. Since he had come to the hospital with Solar he didn't bring his car but fortunately his best friend has already called his driver to pick him up. The driver stepped out of the car and bowed before opening the back door for his boss, 'Thank you Im,' Namjoon said with a smile and the driver nodded with a smile of his own before he closed the door and got into his own seat and started the car. As the car started moving along, Jin suddenly called out to the driver, 'Im-ssi can you please go a little slower? I'm feeling a little nauseous,' 'Yes sir, I'm sorry for causing you discomfort,' the driver replied guiltily, 'Oh no it's not your fault. I just haven't eaten anything so I feel sick.' At that, Namjoon looked at his fiance who was sitting comfortably on his lap with worry, 'Are you hungry baby? Why didn't you tell me? Do you want us to stop and grab something to eat?' he asked in a frenzy making Jin giggle as he cupped his cheeks and squished them before pecking his lips a few times, 'No my love, I just want to reach home asap because I miss our adorable son. Also I want to tell everyone the news because the sooner the better and we won't have to plan an elaborate set up just to announce that our Kookie is gonna have a sibling,' the doctor said in a matter of fact voice which the driver, Mr Im clearly heard and he was so surprised that he almost hit the brakes on impulse. 'I'm sorry boss, I was just taken aback. But congratulations sir, you'll be amazing parents,' the driver said and both Namjoon and Jin smiled kindly at him, 'Well you're the first to know so congratulations Im and thank you for your kind words,' Namjoon said and the driver nodded happily as he continued driving to the Kim Mansion at a pace that made his boss' fiance comfortable.

Once the car stopped, signalling that they've reached their destination, Mr Im stepped out of the car and opened the door for Namjoon to step out with Jin still in his arms. 'Thank you Im, you can head home now,' the CEO said and Im nodded his head and then bowed to his boss before getting back inside the car and driving off. Namjoon on the other hand walked towards the main door where two guards are already opening the door for him but Jin stopped him before he could walk further. 'Joonie,' the doctor softly called out and Joon immediately turned his attention to his lover, 'Yes baby?' 'Can you put me down please? I really want to walk on my own now,' 'Okay love, whatever makes you happy and comfortable,' Namjoon said after analysing that his lovely pregnant fiance will be taking only a few steps before he reaches the living room where everyone are already waiting for them. So, the elder puts his lover down on his own feet but he was quick to wrap his arm around his petite waist which the latter did not mind at all, in fact he loved it. 'Are you ready baby?' 'Mm let's get inside Joonie,' and so the couple walked into the mansion and made their way to the fairly noisy living room given the fact that there were many people inside, chatting and discussing about their lives. 'Joonie,' Jin called for his fiance and they stopped just before entering the living room, Namjoon humming in a questioning tone, 'I- What if K-Kookie doesn't w-want a s-sibling?' the doctor suddenly asked as it dawned on him that Kookie might feel like he's not being loved or if he thinks he won't love him anymore because now he's pregnant with another child and Jin doesn't want his son to feel that way. Kook was his son just like the little bean inside him, but he's worried Kookie might  not take it well- after all the little bun had gone through so much trauma in his four years of life and Jin doesn't want to see his sweetheart of a son sad. 'He'll be okay baby, even if he doesn't take it well we will make him understand okay? So how about instead of telling everyone the news now we'll talk with our son first and then we'll see how things go from there?' Namjoon suggested and Jin nodded, 'Okay, thank you for always being the pillar of our family my Joonie,' 'You're the strong pillar of our family baby, don't ever doubt that,' Namjoon said as he pecked his fiance's plump lips.

Once the couple stepped foot inside the living room, the first person to greet them was their son who ran towards them in full speed, tears streaming down his chubby cheeks and arms already making grabby hands at his parents. Namjoon quickly crouched down and picked his bundle of joy in his arms while Jin stroked his hair lovingly and calmed him down, 'Why is my brave baby crying huh?' he asked softly as he pressed a kiss to his baby's cheek, 'P-papa and appa not come home f-for so long and now p-papa's face is hurt. Who hurt papa? Auntie hurt papa like Kookie?' the crying boy asked as he saw his papa's bruised jaw and swollen cheek and also the bruises on his hands and feet. He remembered that he too had bruises on his face and body when the mean auntie had taken him away from his appa, 'Papa hurt?' 'Oh my sweetheart papa is okay love. A mean man attacked papa but I'm not hurt anymore because appa saved me just in time,' Jin answered his son's question with teary eyes as he realised that his precious baby might have remembered what happened to him just about a year ago, and it pained him to think that his wounds remind his son of his painful past. However, as if sensing that his papa was blaming himself, Kookie gently touched Jin's cheek that wasn't swollen or bruised and leaned in to kiss it before smiling his bunny smile, 'Appa save papa just like papa save Kookie,' he exclaimed happily and Jin almost sobbed in relief because his baby learnt that a good thing came out of something bad and he focused on the good, 'Yes my love, so don't worry about papa okay. I'm not hurt anymore now that I can see my sweet little angel,' Jin said as he kissed all over his son's face making the latter giggle happily.

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