Chapter 18

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It was 10 pm and Jungkook is now sleeping peacefully after Namjoon had changed him into his pjs and Jin reading him a bedtime story after promising that he'll sleep with him. Now, Namjoon and Jin were in the living room having a drink together. 'Jin,' the elder called out softly and the younger hummed in a questioning tone while turning towards him, 'I know this might be a little too early or it might be weird for you but I just want to be honest with you, so can I tell you what's on my mind right now?' Jin put his wine glass on the table before turning all his attention to Namjoon, 'Please go ahead, I really appreciate honesty,' he replied even though he was feeling a little scared that the man would tell him to stay away from him and his son, if he really did that Jin would be heart broken because he loves them so much. The elder took a deep breath and looked into Jin's shiny brown orbs, 'I really like you alot Kim Seokjin and I'm falling for you. You are the kindest man I've met and the most caring, I love how you are so gentle with my son and how you treat him with so much love, I love your warm smile that always brightens my day, I love your sweet and soft voice that is like a beautiful melody whenever you speak and I just love your amazing personality. Your impeccable beauty is even more impeccable because of your good soul. I'm falling for you Jin, and I'm falling hard.'

Silence. That was what filled the room and it made Namjoon feel sick. All the blood and the gore that he's seen cannot compare to the feeling he's experiencing at that moment, anxious to at least get some kind of reply from the man next to him. Jin on the other hand was still processing what he'd heard. He was expecting Namjoon to tell him off or to tell him to stay away from Kookie or anything negative really, so when he instead got the sweetest confession his mind couldn't process it as fast as it should have. Once he had processed everything though he saw that Namjoon's face was looking more gloomy and when he realised that the reason for that was because of his long silence, he felt so guilty. 'Kim Namjoon,' he called out and the said man immediately lifted his head up and looked into his eyes, ready to face rejection but what he got was the warmest hug he's ever recieved, Jin's arms wrapped tightly around his neck and Namjoon did not hesitate to wrap his arms around his petite waist tightly, he somehow felt like he knew the answer. 'I like you too, a lot and I've fallen for you hard,' Jin whispered, a smile on his face as he buried his flushed face in the crook of Namjoon's neck who was also smiling happily, his heart feeling content and at ease, 'You do?' 'Yes, so much,' and after a few more seconds they both pulled away from the hug, a smile on their faces.

'Will you be my boy- no will you be my lover Kim Seokjin?' Namjoon asked gently, a small smile adorning his face, 'Yes, yes I'd love to,' Jin answered confidently, 'But please promise me one thing,' he pleaded and the taller nodded his head, gesturing for the doctor to continue. 'Please promise me that we'll always try our best to make this work, no matter what happens we'll always talk it out before reaching a conclusion on our own,' 'I promise you Jin, we'll make this work together,' and Namjoon placed a soft kiss on Jin's forehead making the latter blush profusely but he was happy. 'We need to talk about us with Kookie tomorrow morning. I don't want to hide anything from our bunny and I want him to feel comfortable with us being together,' Jin said and Namjoon nodded, 'That's very thoughtful of you Jin, thank you for always thinking about Kookie too. I'm sure he'll be happy to know that we're together,' 'I hope so, now let's go to sleep,' and they both stood up and headed upstairs. When they reached Kookie's room where Jin would be sleeping since he'd promised the boy he'd sleep with him, Namjoon pulled him into a warm hug and pressed one more kiss to his head, 'Goodnight Jin, and thank you for accepting me,' 'Goodnight Joonie,' Jin spoke into the taller's chest and before the latter left the room, the former pressed a soft kiss to the latter's cheek making him smile happily as he went out of the room and closing the door.

Timeskip to the next morning:

Jungkook slowly fluttered his eyes open as the sunlight caressed his face with a soft yellow glow. He tried to get up but then he realised that there was an arm across his waist that made it difficult for him to move so he decided to just turn around and see who it was, thinking it was probably his appa. But when he had fully turned around he gasped loudly, his dark orbs sparkling with happiness as he reached his little chubby hands to touch the man's face causing him to stir awake. 'Good morning baby,' Jin said, his voice groggy and low but he still managed to smile at the little cute boy whose hair was standing in different directions. 'Papa!' Jungkook squealed and snuggled into Jin's chest earning a chuckle from the elder who wrapped his arms around the tiny body and pressed a kiss to his head, 'Good mowning papa,' the boy said as he lifted his head and smiled brightly at Jin. 'Should we get up and get ready for the day so we can surprise appa with a  delicious breakfast or do you want to sleep more my darling?' Jin asked as he playfully poked the boy's cheek making him laugh happily, 'Kookie get up,' he said and Jin tickled his tiny stomach once before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day.

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