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Hey guys, I'm going to try setting my chapters up in lines instead of paragraphs, please let me know which way you prefer. Also my other book already has four chapters if you also wanted to give that a read :)

'Thank you for not dropping me' Evie said, oddly thankful to be standing vertical once again. 

Rhea laughed, 'I wouldn't actually drop you' she added, unsure in her head if it was actually true. She looked at Evie who looked like she wanted to say something but was hesitant 'Spit it out' she commanded. 

'Have you told anyone I am now living here, I mean if they asked, or do you not want people to know I live here. Just so I know what to say if people ask' Evie rambled. 

'No one has asked, I assume they realise you aren't staying in hotels but you don't really talk to anyone' Rhea said. 

'I know, I'm not good at talking to people, if people did ask me though what do you want me to say' Evie questioned. 

'Say you live here, I don't give a fuck. Also when we go in today you stick with me and meet some people. I cant be one of the only people you speak to, it can be lonely in this profession anyway' Rhea explained

'Ooh okay, don't you dare abandon me in a room full of people I don't know though' Evie panicked. 

'Ill try' Rhea said, wetting a cloth and handing it to her to wipe the chocolate on her face and leg. 'Go and get changed, we will set off at 12' Rhea added, walking away

'What time is it' Evie asked, following her like a lost puppy up the stairs. 

'Ten thirty' Rhea said, walking into her room, Evie did the same shocked at how she had slept in so late. Normally she woke up naturally at seven ish. I clearly needed the sleep, she thought.  She got ready quickly, throwing on a casual black top and jeans, she just chilled on her phone watching TikToks for an hour, making her way downstairs al eleven thirty. 

Evie decided the perfect way to cure her boredom was to go through her remaining boxes of stuff she left in the garage. She opened the first box, instantly realising it was filled with teddies from her childhood. She had a monkey she bought herself in a car boot sale using the money she had been saving for weeks because her mum didnt want to pay for a smelly used teddy. Next there was a pink bear with a small 2 on the foot that a friend of the family had got her for her second birthday, then there was a blue owl, origination unknown but still loved. Finally there was a black bear she bought herself for her 18th birthday. 

Feeling a wave of loneliness hit her she closed the box, took a few deep breaths and closed the box, stepping out of the garage, closing the door and sitting on the bottom step of the marble stairs waiting for Rhea, which didnt take long as her combat boots walked down the stairs, car keys jingling in her hand. 

'Ready' Rhea asked, opening the front door. 

'Yep' Evie replied, wiping the imaginary dust off her bum as she stood up, walking through the door and waiting outside for Rhea to lock up. 

'Nervous' she questioned seeing Evie drift into a different land

'Yes' she answered hesitantly 

'Why' Rhea questioned. 

'What if no one likes me, Or i embarrass you, Or i embarrass myself, Or no one wants to speak to me' Evie rambled 

'You will be fine, I'm the meanest and well you live with me and I will be there with you, so if you are about to embarrass me i will just cover your mouth' Rhea tried to reassure

'Ookay' Evie answered unsure whether that information was helpful 

The car ride was relaxing, there was never any pressure to speak and the silence was never awkward. There was never a need to fill it, yet conversations flowed, it was like a judgement free zone. Rhea pulled up into the parking lot, Evie noticing her perfect parking and wondering how she did it so effortlessly. 

'Right come on shadow' Rhea joked, knowing Evie would be stuck to her side like glue. 'Anywhere you need to go' Rhea asked 

'Nope, not until 5' Evie replied 

'Right well come with me' Rhea said as she began to walk. Stopping shortly after at a board 'This has all of tonight's stuff on it, as well as updates like if people are off injured' Rhea pointed at the big board. 

'Huh, okay' Evie nodded. They walked further down the corridor. 

'You ever been in the changing rooms' Rhea turned and asked her 

'No I thought it was just for the wrestlers' Evie admitted sheepishly 

'Nah its more of a hangout than anything, come in' she said opening the door. 'See how there's vanities and separate rooms for changing, its more relaxed, people usually come in here to destress and get ready. You find all sorts of staff in here not just wrestlers' Rhea explained, trying to get Evie to feel more relaxed

'Yeah, id feel like I'm intruding through' Evie backtracked. 

'People have asked about you, you know. When you first debuted they all wanted to speak to you but realised how nervous you are and wanted to give you time to settle in' Rhea answered

'Oh, really. I feel like i would be not welcome, like id make it awkward' Evie tried to re explain

'No, that's why your with me anyway, you get to meet people whilst still feeling comfortable, now lets go to the buffet' Rhea said, holding the door open and waiting for Evie to walk through. 

'Okay, and I actually know where that is' Evie led the way. 

'So my plan is for you to just meet people as they show up, gain confidence and slowly grow your circle, that sound good' Rhea questioned 

'Yep' Evie said walking in front 

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