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Rhea answered after quite some time. 'It used to have 5 bedrooms, knocked them through, so four bathrooms makes sense' she explained. 'I bet the rooms were big even before you did that though' Evie tried making conversation. 'Like I said before I like my space' Rhea explained, 'And I don't spend much time at home so when I do I want everything to be near me hence the mini kitchen in my room'. Evie looked at the long windy roads, watching Rhea move the wheel and change gears, indicating as she was turning and moving her feel smoothly. 'You can learn' Rhea said, quickly noticing she was being examined. 'I probably will do' Evie responded, looking back up at the road. 

'Do you not get lonely, you seem to distance yourselves from others' Evie asked knowing it was a dangerous question, Rhea said nothing making Evie think she blew it 'I suppose, sometimes it's nice to be alone and not have to fight over the tv or who ate the last bowl of cereal but it could be nice to have some help around, but even if I did get a house mate they would have to be someone I don't despise' Rhea explained not taking her eyes off the road. 'Evie didn't notice Rhea was going a different way, she also didn't notice she had pulled into an empty parking lot of a closed down store until she stopped. 'Get out' she said. 

Evie stared at her in shock, 'I'm sorry' she said getting out of the car, expecting Rhea to drive off she opened her phone. Upon hearing the other door open she began to wonder if being nice to her was all a ploy to leave her abandoned in a strange car park. Rhea simply walked past her, sliding into the passenger seat and closing the door, rolling down her window when Evie didn't move 'Get in' she instructed, Evie opened the back door and started to climb into the back.

'The front you fucking idiot' Rhea sighed, hiding her amused expression from Evie, who closed the back door and walked around the back of the car. She stood outside the driver seat and bent down, 'I can't get in your car' she tried, 'Just get in' Rhea silenced, watching the girl sit in the seat, instantly relaxing at the comfortable feeling it gave. 'You ever tried driving a car' Rhea asked, Evie shook her head, 'Turn the key away from you till it turns on' Evie shook her head. 'Nope, this car is very expensive and what if I damage it' Evie asked, looking at Rhea who simply looked amused 'It's insured so its fine' she said, 'Now turn the key' she said, watching as Evie's shaky hands grasped and turned the key. 

The car rumbled in response, Rhea telling Evie stuff she needed to know, 'This car is manual, so you set off in first and change to second at around 10mph, your indicators are there push down for left and up for right. Peddle at your left is clutch, middle is brake and right is accelerator' She said pointing at each 'Push to the right and up for first gear, then down for second. Wont be going faster than that so it doesn't matter' She instructed. 'To start the car you need to find your biting point, so lift your clutch until you feel the car rumble underneath you okay' She said, watching Evie. 'So clutch down and put the car into first gear' she instructed, nodding as Evie did and looked up to her. 'Now lift the clutch slightly and hold' Rhea watched as Evie followed the instructions. 'Now look behind your left shoulder, into the left wingmirror, rear-view mirror, right mirror then over your right shoulder. Now push the button on the end of the handbrake and push it down and you will set off' she explained as the car began to slowly roll forwards. 'Clutch up and press lightly on your accelerator' Rhea explained as the car moved forward steadily. 

'Follow the car park roads' Rhea said, as the car moved at about 5mph. 'I'm doing it' Evie chuckled, making Rhea smile which she didn't notice as she was focused on the road. 'Okay as your gaining speed, were going to go into second, push your clutch down and pull the gearstick towards you, then slowly release the clutch' Rhea explained, Evie's face lighting up as she did it correctly. Evie's phone began to ring, not being able to get it she began to stress. 'Stop stressing' Rhea commented, pulling her phone out of the side of Evie pants, leaving a strange feeling in her heart. 'Your mum has sent you a message' She said. 'Oh um what's it say, passwords 111111' Evie told her. Rhea chuckling at the useless password, opening messages and reading it to her. 'You owe us £127.49 for the shipping and boxes' Rhea pulled her face, you sure that's your mum, 'Yep' Evie said, 'Message her back it will be in her account at the end of today'  Rhea did, putting Evie's phone away for her. 

'She didn't even ask how you were' Rhea said after a few seconds of silence, clearly thinking about the subject. 'Nope', Evie responded 'I think I'm done if that's okay' she said looking over at Rhea. 'Right slow yourself down then and once you have stopped pull your handbrake up and take yourself out of gear' Evie did as instructed and stepped out of the car, passing Rhea on the way back she hugged her, Rhea's body rigid at first but leaning into it. 'Thank you' Evie said, 'No problem' Rhea answered pulling out of the car park. 

'See how much you got paid' Rhea said, breaking the silence. 'You get paid every Friday'. Evie opened her bank to see a $600 transfer from WWE, she looked over at Rhea amazed. 'Surely that's wrong' she said, 'Nope' Rhea answered, 'you can definitely buy driving lessons then' making Evie smile and nod, soon they pulled up at work. 'Rent's $500 a month if you want to move in' she said locking he car and walking away. Leaving Evie with a lot to think about, including why she was being so nice. 

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