Taking Part

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Saturday - Day of Convention 

That morning Evie woke up with a huge smile on her face, she had been messaging Sarah throughout the week and there closeness and friendship only grew, the day before the convention she had gone shopping and bought herself some new clothes to wear, letting herself explore the new country she found herself living in. She hopped out of bed, turning around and making the bed before she got ready, slipping on her newly purchased slippers, appreciating the immediate warmth they brought to her feet. She walked over to the window in her hotel room and pulled the curtains open looking at the sunny whether. 

She pulled her new clothes out of the closet and jumped into the shower, lathering herself in vanilla body wash, following it up with vanilla body lotion and getting dressed, not letting the cold air nip at her skin. She laid all her makeup on the counter and waited for the mirror to subcondensate, whilst waiting she grabbed her shoes, choosing a pair of boots with a low heel instead of her usual trainers and tied them neatly in a bow. She walked back into the bathroom and did her makeup, not needing much she was done in a matter of minutes and spraying her face with setting spray. 

Evie waited for Sarah to message saying that she was outside before she left her hotel room, only being on the first floor meant it only took minutes to reach the entrance of the hotel room. She took one last look at her outfit in the bathroom mirror before stepping out of the door and locking it behind her and walking down to Sarah in the car park. She waved at Sarah as she spotted her car in the car park and walked up to her car. 

The drive to the convention didn't seem long as the girls talked about what they had done since they last saw each other, Evie's paling in comparison to Sarah's busy life, as they got closer to the convention Evie began to wonder what it would really be like, realising she hadn't even asked simple questions about the convention before agreeing to go. 'Sarah what will it be like, is there food stalls and stuff there i haven't eaten yet' Evie questioned to which Sarah chuckled, 'Yes there's food stalls and entertainment but also lectures about different things, like commentators have to be able to hold a conversation and stuff like that really' she explained 'Ooh that sounds fun' Evie said 'What do you mean by entertainment though' she questioned. 'There's booths and stalls set up like music festivals and you do interviews with music playing and you get judged by the audience, and there's sports going on in some and you have to commentate and how you do you win prizes, there's different brands like Coachella, F1 Racing, WWE and Music Festivals' Sarah explained 'Oh my that sounds so fun' Evie said, visibly bursting with excitement. Looking forward to the day ahead of them. 

As Sarah parked up Evie was shocked at how many people were pouring into the building, Evie looked over to Sarah impressed to which Sarah just chuckled 'What did you think its just some dorky little convention' she laughed 'come on, you'll love it', she said as they both got out of the car. Luckily for Evie the queue was less than 5 minutes long, she looked around in amazement at all the fancy booths and gimmicky games, quickly noticing the hotdog, crepe, burger, candyfloss, waffle and pretzel stands scattered around the venue. 'Lets start off with a lecture about expressing yourself in your work' Sarah said to which Evie just nodded and followed. 

An hour later they walked out of the theatre like room 'That was amazing, it was so true what he said about everyone can do the same job but you do the job better because of the uniqueness and stamp you put on it, i loved that bit about everyone is a dot in the ocean but if you add sparkle to your dot you stand out and how he was able to link it to making your interviews unique and special' 

They next went to a sports entertainment stand, both Evie and Sarah played this game where they had to commentate a match and they got judged off the public, Evie scored a 7 out of 10, people saying she made some funny and relatable jokes but sometimes she left the silence too long and didn't speak loud enough, Sarah scored a 9 out of 10, people saying sometimes she made too many jokes and strayed off the path of the match. They attended a few more lectures and frequently visited the food stands, finally they finished the day at a WWE booth.

The woman running the booth explained that they were going to play clips of different matches, they were not expected to know any move names but be able to make jokes and hold a conversation that would resonate with the public as the WWE were looking to bring in some less informed members who would more light-heartedly chat about the match for the public to listen to. Sarah went first and was able to name some of the moves and explain backgrounds of the wrestlers and the matches, overall she scored good however they said the aim of the game was to be able to talk as though you were someone who only had limited knowledge and so was remembered for their conversation skills. Evie went next and the woman said that her commentation and conversation skills were good, she just needed more confidence and to be louder and more assured, Sarah jumped in saying 'She is doing vocal classes to improve' and the woman gave her her card telling her she should apply as she has talent and is just what they are looking for once she perfects her confidence. 

Both the girls walked away giggling, Sarah so proud of Evie's transformation from meeting her on the plane, whilst Sarah drove home she fell asleep and was woke up by Sarah shaking her outside her hotel, they both promised to speak soon, Evie thanking Sarah for the amazing day and helping her so far, then she walked into the hotel, walking straight up to her hotel room and falling asleep immediately. 


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