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Evie woke up to her phone ringing, deciding she would ignore it she let the ringtone continue for a few seconds before checking to see who it was and it was important. Sighing as she saw Kelly's profile fill her screen, she sighed as she accepted the call, putting on speaker and laying back down. 

Kelly - Hi Evie sorry to call you so early are you okay to talk. 

Evie - Your fine, yes I'm free. 

Kelly - Okay, so this morning I got a call from Kayla Braxton saying she was ill and wouldn't be able to host The Bump, which is a WWE show where we reflect over the week and break down everything that has happened, we also have guest superstars and stuff like that. I also got a call from Matt Camp who also hosts The Bump, saying he would love to have you on the show as a co-host after seeing the way the crowd love you and to reflect on your week and interview some Superstars, it's completely up to you but i love the idea. 

Evie - If you think I would be able to do it, I'm in. Evie saying, thinking about how she needs to start increasing the people she knows, and try to not be a wallflower at her new job. 

Kelly - That's brilliant, it's filmed at 1, goes live after Smackdown. Wardrobe will dress you makeup will do their thing and you will meet with Matt before so he can talk you through what happens on the show. Ooh and the filming studio is next to the Tech room. 

Evie - Okay what time would you say to get there 

Kelly - 11.30 And before you start doubting yourself, Matt personally asked for you to be his co-host which shows how amazing you are

Evie - Thank you, see you later

Kelly - No problem, see you tonight. 

Evie sighed, seeing it was only ten past eight, she set her alarm for 10.30 and went back to sleep. She woke up a couple hours later and jumped in the shower, throwing on a grey Nike sweatshirt and a white skirt. Walking out of her hotel room with no makeup on as she would have to wipe it off, she decided to catch the local bus, it being only $2 and getting her there in fifteen minutes. She sat down on the quiet bus and watched the buildings pass her by, she stopped getting a few whispers as the bus waited for her to walk into the huge stadium before pulling off. 

She headed to the tech studio, almost knocking the door next to it but she saw a door with an 'After The Bump' sign on it, walking over to that. She knocked on the door, hearing lots of voices inside but after no one answered she poked her head inside the door, a man motioning for her to enter. 

'Hi Evie I'm Matt Camp, basically we just go through things that happened during the shows and talk to the guest we have, we sit on these couches and its just a big chit chat' He said smiling, leading her over to the makeup chair where three people started working on her and she was done in minutes. She walked over to wardrobe, them changing her into a white flowy dress that ended at her thighs. Her and Matt both sat on the couches as they called the beginning of the show. 

'Hi i'm Matt Camp and today my co-host Kayla Braxton is sick, so I one upped her and brought in the newest WWE sensation Evie Smith to be my new and better co-host' he laughed, looking at the camera. 'So Evie you have been here less than a week and already become a staple of Monday Night Raw' Matt continued. 'Aww thank you, whilst I wouldn't quite call myself a staple I do love announcing RAW with Corey and Kevin' Evie said, 'Indeed, you make quite the team' Matt agreed, 

'So first today we have to talk about Royal Rumble, how was it announcing it Evie' Matt asked. 'Honestly I was so nervous as it is such a big thing but I just talked like I was having a cup of tea in my living room and people seemed to like it' Evie laughed 'And it was such an amazing match i mean wow' Evie said 'Yes lets look back on the best bits of the night' Matt said, playing a montage of all the best moments. 'Rhea Ripley, really went rope to rope, she lasted over an hour, and defeated 29 other women' Matt added, 'And she made some heads stir as she seems to have noticed you' he continued. 'Yes well, she was just amazing and left me shocked' Evie laughed. 'We could tell, watch this as you announce her win and just look at you and the rest of the panel', he played a clip of Corey, Kevin and Evie announcing the win of Rhea Ripley. 'Like I said before for me not having any experience of wrestling and never even watching WWE before this, I was just utterly amazed at having front row tickets to it, I just loved it Matt' Evie conversed. 

'It was a great watch but I must admit the commentary made it ten times better, take a look at some of the tweets we've been getting' Matt said, pulling a few tweets up on the screen. 'Evie is so pretty and amazing at her job, well done recruiting her WWE - wwefan66', 'The way the panel is so honest and you can see the raw emotion, they feel the same suspense we do when Bayley was pushed onto the apron and the same feeling of shock we do when Rhea won - Madsloveswwe', 'Don't ever let go of that new commentator, she does such a good job at her career and brings the WWE experience to a whole new level - wwe4lifer' 

'They just love you' Matt laughed. 'It really is shocking to me though, I mean i was just as amazed as the crowd during Royal Rumble and i still cant believe this is my job' Evie said. 'Yes it really is living the dream life, speaking of Royal Rumble please welcome our guest, the winner of the 2023 Royal Rumble... Rhea Ripley' Matt said clapping

Rhea Ripley's annoyanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora