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Over the next three weeks Evie continued her vocal coaching lessons, she decided to up the lessons to two a week and could see that it was paying off, however she was nearly at the end of her stay and had to decide what she wanted to do. Today is her seventh lesson and she has to talk to Johnson about how he feels, she had grown close to the man knowing he was a large part of why she is so different to her old self. She had just 4 more days left at her hotel, and although Sarah had offered for her to stay at her place whilst she works things out she didnt know what to do, carry on her old life and pretend this never happened or take the leap and carry on the career path. 

As she walked into Johnsons studio he waited for her at the front 'Hey beautiful, want to come through' he said enthusiastically smiling as he watched her walk past him 'Yes but i need to talk to you' she said as she entered the room, she sat down on one of the chairs and motioned for him to sit opposite her 'What's up doll' he questioned, 'as you know my time is running out here, and whilst i have really enjoyed and this has really helped me I need you to be truthful and tell me whether i could be an announcer' she explained, watching as he took in the information before speaking, 'Well before I answer that, what do you think hun' he asked. 'I like doing this and i do feel like it has helped my confidence, and i would like to try being an announcer however i don't know whether i have what it takes' she explained 

'You are amazing and more than capable of anything you set your heart to, I believe if you want to be a commentator or announcer you will smash it' he said sincerely, 'Thank you Johnson, i might call that WWE lady who gave me her card' she looked over hopefully at the man beaming at her 'Yes do it, if she had faith in you back then she will love you now, and even if it doesn't work out at least you called her' he explained. 

The rest of the session felt bittersweet, them both laughing and reminiscing with each other, comparing her then to now and acknowledging how far she had come in the short time, they didn't get much work done but Johnson reassured Evie that she could do this and he believed in her. As the session ended and they reached the front desk, they both sighed loudly 'I know you wont want to book any more sessions before you know what your doing but regardless keep in touch, call me with all your news and i will always be proud of you doll' he smiled kindly at the girl. 'I will don't worry, see you later' Evie shouted as she walked out of the door, deciding she would walk to the hotel. 

Once she got to her hotel room she sat on the end of her bed convincing herself she could do this, all she needed to do was call and ask, no matter the outcome she did her bit. She walked over to the closet and pulled the card out of the pair of pants she hadn't worn since the convention and was neatly folded in her closet. Dialling the number into her phone it began to ring

Kelly - Hello this is Kelly how may I help you.

Evie - Hi, this is Evie, I went to a convention a few weeks ago and you gave me this card asking me to contact you, I am aware it has been a few weeks and you probably gave your card to a few others so if it is no longer available I fully understand 

Kelly - No Evie I remember now, I only gave my card to you, I'm glad you did call however do you mind me asking what took you so long 

Evie - When i went to the convention I hadn't decided if i wanted to be an announcer and had only taken one vocal lesson so was not very confident, i wanted to wait a while to see if i truly had what it takes and to make sure it is something that i would like to do, i hope that's okay. 

Kelly - Yes its absolutely no problem I was just being curious, do you want any more details on the job 

Evie - Yes please, I've never really seen wrestling or anything like this before.

Kelly - Yes that's no problem, so the simple explanation is you sit in and watch the matches with the commentators and you add your perspective as a newbie into the sport, you aren't required to know moves, names and storylines. You simply commentate what you see happening Infront of you. There are two other guys on the booth but you wont be connected to them, just sat with them, its mainly a safety thing and to make sure you get a good view of the match. 

Evie - Alright okay, that definitely sounds like something that I would potentially be interested in. 

Kelly - Yes and then as your name grows within the company and if you desire we can add you to more things, however before we go any further I need to discuss some downsides to the job, your name is attached to the company and you would have to travel with the WWE, we travel every week to new country's and such and stay in hotels mostly.

Evie - Yes that shouldn't be a problem, my hotel stay is coming to an end anyway so i was looking for alternate living arrangements. Would you want me to come and do an interview in person, she questioned 

Kelly - Less of an interview and more just checking your skills and making sure you get along with the guys on commentary and would be a good fit, I will message you the address, are you able to come in tomorrow at 2pm?

Evie - Yes I'm free, I will see you tomorrow 

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