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Of course Finn Balor won the match, with Damien, DomDom and Rhea staring at the ring at all times Edge was never able to get one over on Finn without paying for it in violence without the ref seeing. 'Judgment Day using the numbers game to there advantage there' Kevin said, 'Of course, one distracts and the other attacks' Evie commented, watching as they all stood in the ring, glaring at the audience and congratulating the win. 

They all reached down for a mic, 'Once again we prove that we run Monday Night Raw' Finn Balor shouted into his mic. 'Yes Finn and next week we will fight the street profits' Damien added. 'And then mami will decide who she will brutalise at wrestlemania' Dominik commented, snarling at the crowd who boo'd as he talked 'Yes, who will I fight, i mean win. The yappy old poodle who thinks she runs the place or that rat that's needs a haircut' Rhea laughed. 'Does it really matter though, I can fight anyone and win, and i mean anyone' she said turning to Evie and snarling. 

'Ooh someone has it out for you' Corey laughed, Evie staying silent as The Judgement Day threw their microphones on the floor and exited the stage, shouting obscenities at the fans who boo'd them. 'What did you do to make Rhea Ripley hate you' Kevin turned to Evie and asked. 'Don't know I assumed it was cause I'm new but maybe not' she laughed trying to let the frequent nips Rhea seemed to make roll off her back. Nothing else overly exciting happened, The Usos won the Tag Team Match against Sammi Zayn and Kevin Owens, making the tribal chief come onto the stage at the end saying how they did well and the bloodline was strong. Some other superstars such as Logan Paul coming onto the stage to talk about what they were going to do at wrestle mania, and the American Nightmare Cody Rhodes talking about how he was going to destroy The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania because if he doesn't he is a faliure and he wouldn't allow that to happen. 

Evie walked backstage, deciding she was going to find Rhea and aske what she did to make her hate her, and try and get her to stop placing a target on her back. She rethought talking to her about ten times on the walk but she knew she had to, not understanding why the Superstar hated her. She found them shortly after, still speaking in a group, Evie decided to wait as tackling her in a group would never work. Soon they split up heading to their respective locker rooms to get changed out of their ring gear. 

'Rhea' Evie said, as she was about to walk into the locker room, Rhea turned round 'What' she barked back. 'I wanted to speak to you if that's okay' she was cut off by Rhea 'Who do you are to speak to me' she said grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the locker room. She led her to a quiet corridor releasing her once she was out of view. Evie instinctively rubbed her arm, nothing there but a red mark from the pressure but it still felt right to. 'I don't know who you think you are, but let me tell you. You are nobody, don't come up and talk to me' she said angrily. 

'I'm sorry, please just explain one thing for me please' Evie tried, Rhea looked down at the pleading woman. 'Sit on the floor' Rhea instructed, 'If you act like a child and make smart remarks when I'm in the ring sit on the floor like one' Evie sighed, however sat down once she realised Rhea wasn't budging. 'Speak' Rhea said. 'What is your problem with me' Evie asked looking up at her, 'Its like you hate me'. Rhea waited before answering 'When you arrived you knew your place, but now your speaking up, acting out I put you in your place to remind you who you are' she bent down eye level with Evie, 'Don't forget it' she said standing up and walking off, leaving Evie sat all alone in the corridor. 

Evie waited a few minutes then stood up, once she knew Rhea had gone and wouldn't shout at her, embarrassed to admit how much the woman actually scared her. She took her mic back to the tech room, went to wardrobe to return her red dress and put her comfy clothes back on and pick up her shopping bags. Once she was ready she called an uber to her hotel. It not taking long for it to come and drop her off at the hotel. 

She walked into the lobby, instinctively walking to the elevators, however stopping as she saw Rhea waiting for it, she saw Evie and mouthed stairs to her. Watching with a smug look on her face as the girl would have to walk up the stairs. Once Evie reached her room it hit her how tired she actually was, locking her door behind her and walking over to her window to close the curtains and pulling the neatly folded pyjamas she left on her bed this morning, she got undressed and hung her clothes back up in the closet, leaving her UGGS on the shoe rack by the door, she trudged into her bathroom and sat on the counter, slowly taking off her makeup before brushing her teeth and climbing into bed. 

She plugged her phone into the charger and turned her alarm off, deciding she would allow herself to have a lie in tomorrow morning. Evie turned to the bedside clock and unplugged it at the socket, eliminating the annoying glow that it gave off when the rest of the room was pitch black. She cuddled into the sheets and went to bed, not allowing any thoughts to invade her head as she wished for a long nights sleep. 

Rhea Ripley's annoyanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن