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Evie tried her hardest to forget the embarrassing events as she got ready 'Can i leave my bags here whilst I do the show' Evie asked, 'Course you can love' Liz answered, working on her eyeshadow whilst Mary picked out an outfit for her. She settled on a red floor length dress that trailed after her, it looked like a child trying on her mums dress but after she tried on some heels and still took some length off the bottom Evie looked  and felt beautiful. She let Liz finish her makeup before she left, finding a quiet corridor and reluctantly calling her mum. 

Mum - Hello, who is this.

Evie - Its Evie mum, she said confused

Mum - Okay I don't have my glasses on, are you on your way back now, finished with your thing. 

Evie - No mum, I thought I told you. I've actually got a job over here.

Mum - You might have done, i can't remember

Evie - Anyway, I don't know when I will be able to get back. I was wondering what you wanted to do with my stuff. 

Mum - Can you not come back and take it. 

Evie - I can't I'm working. You can post it to me though. 

Mum - That will cost a fortune Evie 

Evie - I will pay for it, just buy the boxes and ship it and i will send you the money. 

Mum - So your not coming back then 

Evie - I don't know, for now i have a job here. You can come and visit at any time though. 

Mum - I don't flying. why do you think i gave you the plane ticket I won. 

Evie - Okay well i can come and visit you at some point, how did you win tickets, you never told me. 

Mum - I was the millionth customer at that shop down the road. It was either gift or bin them.

Evie - Oh okay, nice. Ill message you the address to send the packages to. 

Mum - Right. What do you want me to do with the empty room 

Evie - Whatever you want, it will be like i was never there. 

Mum - Well your dad can finally have the jigsaw room he's always wanted and i can store the decorations in there. 

Evie - Okay, got to go mum bye

Mum - Bye. 

Evie hung up the phone, her eyes threatening to spill tears. Her mum didn't put thought into her birthday, she didn't even get her a card. When she handed her the plane ticket the lack of a card didn't matter as she thought her mother must have spent so long planning the holiday that it simply slipped her mind. The truth hurting as her mother didn't put any effort into her only child's birthday and gave her something that was going to be thrown in the bin. 

She looked at her phone 5.52 and waited a few minutes to make sure her eyes were not bloodshot and swollen. She didn't give her mum the satisfaction of tears but she felt a whirlwind of emotions surge through her body. It hit Evie hard, she was all alone, yes she had Samantha and Kelly but they had to be nice to her, they were work associates and she didn't have a family who called her everyday with updates like many other superstars. The only true friends she had were Johnson and Sarah and only a phone number to keep in contact and no promise she would see either of them again. 

Evie walked into the tec room, her mic already on the side after it had been tested for the night. She grabbed it and made her way to the gorilla. Where Kelly was waiting for her. 'Hey I was thinking about our conversation earlier and I was thinking, some superstars choose to keep there things in storage facilities, some have little cozy apartments they visit during thier time off, some are married and have kids so have a house and others buy a house and they rent out the rooms to other superstars. Just thought that would give you some ideas' She said hopefully 'It has thank you Kelly' Evie said. 'No problem get out there and kill it' she responded before walking off.

Evie walked on stage alongside Corey and Kevin, the crowd cheered for them as they sat down and the show began. 'Welcome to Monday Night Raw' Evie announced 'Today Finn Balor has a match against Edge, The Usos have a Tag Team Match against Kevin Owens and Sammi Zayn' explained Kevin  'And your joined by myself Corey, Kevin and Evie' said Corey. You Think You Know Me played through the speakers, Edge walking out and high fiving the crowd as he walked to the ring. Jumping into it with confidence. 'The rated R superstar joins us tonight' Corey announced, 'And he is going to be in a tough match, when your against a group like these you have to watch them at all times' Kevin explained. 'Oh yes he's not just in a match with Finn Balor he's also in a match with Damien and Rhea and Dominik' Evie said, continuing 'Will he be alone down at the ring though' She questioned.  The Judgement Days music played, all of them standing in a line glaring at edge,  walking down to the ring and each member standing on the corners of the ring, surrounding Edge. 

'Smart move by The Judgment Day, trapping Edge' she said. 'Indeed, mentally wearing him out before the match even begins' Finn and Damien jumped up into the ring, making Edge back away. He reached the back of the ropes, his back facing Evie, unaware of Rhea stood at the bottom. 'Surely they wont play that dirty' Corey shouted 'Who knows, The Judgement Day have never played fair, why would they start now' Kevin added. Edge slid out of the ring, turning around to run Rhea Ripley stood right behind him, picking him up and throwing him over the announce table. 

Corey pulled Evie out of the way just in time, Rhea walked around the table and dragged him up, pushing him through the ropes and into the ring She turned to the referee and shouted 'Get in there, start the match' the ref looked over and instructed us to ding the bell, climbing into the ring sheepishly. The three announcers picked up their chairs and sat back down, Rhea walking up behind them and whispering into Evie's ear threateningly 'Look how much damage i can do'.

Rhea Ripley's annoyanceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя