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Johnson walked up to Evie, smiling at her accomplishments 'Come on follow me' she said leading him to the gorilla and through the curtains on the main stage. 'This is amazing Evie' Johnson complimented, looking at the multiple tiers and millions of seats, 'Thanks, bit different to your studio, can you see why i wanted to come here' she questioned, 'Completely this is a different ball game, lets get started then shall we doll' he said grabbing a mic off the floor and handing it to her. 

Once she had done her vocal warmups they began, Evie pulling a list of all the Superstars names up on her phone, passing them to Johnson. 'Can we practise these, I want to make sure you can clearly hear what I am pronouncing' she explained. After some time they had run through all the names, she dwindled the list down to a few she just couldn't get right. 'So is Auska, said with an 'a uh ska sound, and with Seth Rollins do you just say that or do you always say Seth freaking Rollins.' she paused before continuing 'Rhea Ripley do you roll the R sound or do you drag out the Y, then is it Kof eye Kingston or Kof igh Kingston' she laughed at how much though she was putting into it, and looking at Johnsons bewildered face. 

Samantha walked on stage 'Sorry i was backstage and overheard you, do you mind if i give some input' she questioned politely 'Go for it please, I'm no help at this' Johnson chuckled letting Samantha take over and placing Evies phone on the floor 'With Auska don't  pronounce the U, its should sound like Oscar, the Seth just say his whole name, gives him an ego boost, Rhea Ripley I roll the R because the crowd goes crazy over her and I feel it adds to it but that's up to you and then Kofi Kingston is pronounced Kof eye' she explained 'Okay thanks Samantha, that really helps' she thanked 'Ill be backstage if you need me' Sam said before waving at them and walking out. 

'There's nothing else i can teach you doll' Johnson said, nearing the end of her last session. 'I know i feel like I have loads to still learn though, i don't feel ready' she muttered. 'You have no faith in yourself do you' Johnson commented, 'You can do this, stop doubting. I mean look at the job you've got, you did that' he exclaimed pleading for her to realise her potential. 'Thank you Johnson, I mean it' she commented, hugging him. 'All I did was bring out what's been with you this whole time' she said hugging her tightly. 

'Move along your little support group, the adults have things to do' a voice came from behind them, Evie shot her head round to see who made the cruel remark. Not surprised to see the woman from earlier. 'Come on scooch' Rhea remarked. Laughing to the rest of the group. 'You don't have to be so rude' Evie countered, her voice quiet; looking over at Johnson as if to prove she still needed help. Rhea saw the encounter and spoke up once again 'Speak up mousey' she chuckled 'Or else you'll get stood on' she commented walking out to the main stage. 

Evie dragged Johnson out of there without saying another word, quietly whispering to him once out of the way 'If i can't stand up to one person how do i hope to talk to thousands' she whisper shouted. 'That's not speaking loudly, its not standing up for yourself hun, you let people walk all over you. The confidence will come with time but just remember everything that I have taught you and you will be great' he complimented, holding her shaking hands in his own. 'I guess so' she sighed accepting he was right. 'I have to go, I have a ten minute drive and a client in five he chucked waving as he walked off. 'Call me if you need me' he shouted from the distance 'I will' she shouted back, feeling her pocket for her phone and realising she left it on the main stage. 

Taking a deep breath she turned around and began walking to the main stage curtains, hearing the group laughing loudly. She peeked through the curtains trying to see her phone however unsuccessful she tried making a noise to alert them she was entering, however after failing to knock on the curtain she crept through them instead. Her new plan to get her phone and get out without them noticing. She crawled forwards to her phone and slipped it into her pocket, turning back towards the curtain. 

'Don't you need your mic' Rhea shouted at her, alerting Evie her presence in the large room was noted, she stood up slowly brushing the dirt off her knees. Awkwardly standing and staring at the girl holding her mic up in the air, almost as if she was daring her to come down and grab it. 'Technicals wouldn't be happy if they knew you lost your mic' the man who always seemed to accompany her mentioned tauntingly. 'Yes they get very angry' she continued 'Come and get it then' she shouted over holding the mic out towards Evie. Sighing loudly at the nervous look that painted Evie's face 'Come on I don't have all day' she jabbed again. 'She doesn't bite' a man from the back of the ring said, his Irish accent thick 'Or I don't think she does' he laughed

'What's your name' she asked into the dead microphone' staring at her menacingly. 'Evie' she answered quietly, 'And what's your stage name' she questioned further 'Karma' Evie whispered. 'Pathetic' she laughed. 'DomDom go give the mouse her mic back' she instructed handing the mic over to the man who was speaking earlier. 'Yes Mami' he said stepping out of the ring and walking towards her. 

After the awkward few seconds that felt like hours passed, the strange man reached the top of the ramp. Evie held her hand out for the mic, watching as he dropped it on the floor by her feet and turned back round. 'Fetch' he shouted, his back to her. She picked up the mic and ran off the stage, hearing them laugh at her in the background. 

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