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Evie woke up once again in the comfy hotel bed, however after the last few days her room had become somewhat a mess, knowing she only had 3 days left of her hotel stay she wasn't bothered as she would be packing her life into the suitcase that had sat untouched in the corner of her room for a month soon. She looked over at the clock realising she had beat her alarm and logged into her phone and dismissed the alarm. She stretched her arms forward and fell back into bed, smiling at the day ahead of her. 

After laying in bed for multiple hours watching Netflix in her pyjamas she grew quite bored, contemplating washing her hair to burn time even though she washed it a day ago and wasn't remotely greasy. She opened a new tab in Google, slowly typing into her computer W after a few seconds pressing it again followed by an E and searching quickly, clicking back on the Netflix tab before she saw any results. 

She knew Kelly wanted an outside persons perspective however it couldn't hurt to have a tiny bit of knowledge on the brand and even the sport, quickly realising she had never seen a wrestling match in her life. 

She flicked back over to the tab, reading through the thousands of results that came up for WWE, slowly pressing on the WWE page and scrolling through. After reading some articles posted recently she felt even more confused, What was an EDGE, and is The Bloodline some club, who is Wrestlemania, and is a Poison Pixie a wrestling move. She began to get more confused as she read into the articles seeing something about a Money Bank thing and a Judgement Day which she assumed was an upcoming event, coupled with a Bianca and a Belair lady and some woman called Liv Morgan who apparently likes people to watch her, feeling confused because isn't that the point of televising the show. She closed her computer, looking at the time and coming to a realisation that she had spent over an hour and just felt utterly confused. Feeling overwhelmed at the thought, if she couldn't understand the website how did she ever have a chance at a job there, she mentally punished herself, for letting her fall into the horrible feeling of self doubt so easily and climbed out of bed, walking towards the bathroom. 

She decided she would have a shower then call Sarah, knowing the friend would ease her nerves. She turned the shower handle towards her pulling it away quickly before the cold water hit her. By the time Evie had got undressed the water had run hot and waiting for her. She relaxed in the shower, taking her time to do a body scrub and having a shave, before finishing the routine with body wash and her face care routine, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a stray towel. 

Evie chose a grey fitted dress and a pair of black knee high boots with a small heel, partnered with a long beige wool coat. Finishing the look off with eyeliner and nude lipstick, feeling pretty confident she was ready however it was only 11.47am so with quite a bit of time to spare she called Sarah, they had grown very close and called each other regularly with news, Sarah was away at a music festival at the moment so Evie knew there was a possibility she wouldn't answer but called her anyway, after the second ring she picked up 

Sarah - Heyy gorgeous, how are you, Sarah answered

Evie - I'm good, I've got some news

Sarah - Ooh tell me tell me, she interrupted, which would normally annoy her however she found it funny the level of excitement Sarah had for her 

Evie - Well do you know how the WWE lady gave me her card at the convention, I finally called her yesterday and I've got an interview with her today, she shouted down the line excitedly

Sarah - Oh my god that's amazing Evie, have you told your parents, she questioned 

Evie - No i will see how it goes before I do, but i wanted to tell you since you helped me get here, she explained

Sarah - Yes that's understandable, well I'm so excited for you, what time is it at, Sarah questioned genuinely interested in Evie's achievements 

Evie - 2, I'm really excited but equally just as scared, she chuckled nervously into the phone 

Sarah - Don't be silly, just be the same carefree person she saw and she will love you, don't put yourself down your amazing, she boasted 

Evie - yea I'm sure it will all be fine, how's things with you, she asked 

Sarah - Its good but I'm really busy, its like it never ends, but ill always have time to speak to you, she shouted down the phone. 

Evie - Your too sweet, i will talk later yes?, she questioned

Sarah - Yes i will call you later tonight after your interview, I'm so proud of you, see you later, she spoke 

Evie - Byeee, she shouted down the phone having to compete with loud background noises, before ending the call. 

Ten past twelve, she sat down on her bed logging into her laptop and closing the WWE page down before she decided to jump down that rabbit hole of research again, focusing on Netflix. At 1 o'clock she called an Uber knowing it was a forty minute drive there and not wanting to be late, she closed her hotel room door and walked down to the lobby, careful her coat didn't drag against the floor. 

The drive to WWE was awkward to say the least, no music in the car and Evie in no mood to converse, she was ashamed to say she had let the nerves creep back in, at quarter to 2 the driver pulled up outside the main doors of WWE, Evie having no time to stare up at the show with amazement before she stepped inside. Hearing her phone ping she opened it to see a message from Sarah 'you got this' she quickly sent a kiss back and turned her phone onto silent. She walked over to the nearest staff member 'Hi i have an interview with Kelly, she's expecting me' she explained to the woman, 'Okay follow me' she said back and began walking. 

Rhea Ripley's annoyanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora