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Hey guys, yesterday I spilled perfume on my laptop and pulled all the keys off to dry it (Fingers crossed we are okay) but some of the keys wouldn't go back on so i had to glue bits of it, anyway I apologise for the lack of chapter yesterday and enjoy todays. I am going on Holiday for the Kings Coronation (Just British stuff) so wont be able to post any chapters whilst I'm there, but loo forward to five chapters when I'm back,(Monday) Also not a Star Wars fan but May the 4th be with you. 

Evie ate her tea, whilst scrolling TikTok on her phone. Once she was finished she looked around for any sign of a dishwasher, not wanting to go rooting through Rhea's kitchen she just decided to wash it herself. She hopped off the chair, even though it was a normal arm chair her feet didn't touch the ground when she sat down. Swinging freely in the air, she wandered over to the sink, flipping the tap onto hot water and grabbing a sponge, squirting a small pool of dawn dish soap onto the sponge, squeezing it a few times to get the sponge soapy, she washed the plate and cutlery, leaving them on the side overhanging on the sink to dry, as Rhea didn't even have a drying rack, confirming the presence of a dishwasher somewhere in the kitchen. 

She got into bed and fell asleep almost instantly, her body moulding to the mattress and the duvet hugging her tightly. Evie awoke to everything kicked off the bed and the duvet covering the lower half of her body, she looked at the time seeing it was 5.56 in the morning and decided she would wake herself up on the stair master machine in the gym. 

Evie got dressed into a simple gym fit consisting of black leggings, black sports bra and a giant oversized hoodie, she tied the shoelaces on her shoes and made her way downstairs, closing the door to the gym behind her so she didn't disturb Rhea. She managed to make it twenty four minutes on the machine before stepping off, her legs feeling like jelly and threatening to collapse she sat on the floor, breathing heavily at the pain radiating through her. After almost fifteen minutes sat in silence she forced herself to get up, taking a shower and putting on a matching cream sweats set. Once again making her way downstairs, to see Rhea sat on the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal. 

'Morning' Evie greeted awkwardly, sitting down even though she only ate breakfast every so often and wasn't in the mood for it. 'Morning' Rhea said back, 'Got any plans today' Evie questioned Rhea. 'Gotta talk about Stephanie for the line-up for Wrestlemania, want to make sure ive got everything down before we move' Rhea explained, 'Oh yea, tonight's the last show before isn't it' Evie realised she must've been so caught up in moving it completely slipped her mind, Rhea nodded, chuckling at the girls unawareness of the situation around her 'You know were moving in two days right' Rhea questioned looking at Evie who just nodded unsurely. 


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