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After learning exercises that she can do to open up her diaphragm and make her voice louder, Evie felt much better. She spent the hour learning vocal noises she can do to condition her throat to get used to the raised shouting and loud announcing. Along with breathing exercises to help regulate her nerves and feel confident. 

She felt silly and thought about quitting multiple times during the session but constantly being reassured by Johnson that it's okay to feel silly but she is already improving and he and everyone around her is already so proud. Evie finished the session already feeling like a new person, more confident than earlier that very morning and allowing herself to feel proud, knowing even the smallest changes can start a revolution and she was determined to become a new person.

'So how are we feeling about this, are the lessons something that you would like to continue. I can already feel a confidence change in you but it is all about how you feel doll' Johnson questioned as he lead her to the front desk, 'Yes i definitely want to continue this, it does feel silly but i know it will be good for me' Evie explained. 'Okay that's great, I'm proud of you, I know how much this takes, are you wanting to book in next week or?' He asked, 'Yes, when are you next available' she questioned. 'I can do Wednesday at 2pm, I know its only Tuesday however i have an open spot at Wednesday 2pm for around the next 6 weeks depending how long you want to continue these lessons' Johnson explained, smiling as he looked over his diary looking for other potential openings. 'Yes that's perfect thank you' Evie agreed.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and marked it in her calendar 'How much do I owe you then' she questioned. 'So its $20 if you just want to pay for this lesson or you can pay for this one and the one next Wednesday for $30, its up to you dear' he explained, looking at her to make sure she understands. 'Okay I will pay for the two now if that's okay' Evie said passing him $30 'Thank you, your booked in ill see you on Wednesday hun' Johnson said smiling at the young girl. 

Evie opened google maps oh her phone and entered the address of her hotel, watching as her phone directed her to her hotel, 28 minute walk. Normally she would order an Uber however today she needed a walk, to empty her head and think about her future, she soon realised she needed to call her parents as she hadn't called them since her birthday and realised they must be worried. For once Evie had no negative thoughts circling around in her head whilst walking home, she felt content with herself and for the first time in a long time she was proud of the first steps she had taken to give herself a new life.  

As she closed her hotel room door, she opened her phone, hovering her thumb over the phone icon for a minute before biting the bullet and pressing it, she began to doubt herself as she pressed on her mums profile, thinking what if her parents thought it was a silly idea, or what if they were upset they didn't take her sooner and acknowledge the problem or what if they put all their belief in her and she gave up and disappointed them once again. 

The phone rang, the noise blurred in her ears as she thought about not telling them and keeping it to herself, thinking it just wasn't worth it and she could just check up on them and keep that information to herself just in case she did quit. What if they thought she was making a big deal out of nothing, but she had no choice as her mum answered the phone. 

Mum - Hi Evie, how are you

Evie - Good thanks, what about you and dad 

Mum - Were good, how's your holiday, did you make any friends, she questioned 

Evie - No not yet, hearing her sigh pushed her to tell her, umm i actually have some news though

Mum - Oh um okay what is it, she interrupted

Evie - I signed up to vocal classes

Mum - what do you mean, explain Evie, she interrupted once again 

Evie - Well i was talking to this girl on the plane 

Mum - Really that's great, she interrupted again making Evie sigh

Evie - Yes mum, anyway she was explaining she used to be very shy and quiet then she took some vocal classes and it really helped, apparently now she announces shows and things and gets to travel the world. I guess its sounded fun and thought it was worth a try. she explained

Mum - Oh okay that's fun, i didn't know you were wanting to do that though

Evie - I wasn't but i thought it was something to try 

Mum - Yes Evie its something for sure, listen hun I've got to go and make tea for me and your father, speak later okay 

Evie - Yes okay see you later mum 

Mum - Bye, she said before hanging up, making Evie remember why she didn't call her mum often. 

She tucked her phone into her back pocket, looking out of the window realising it was raining, she pulled her shoes off and lined them next to her others, plopping herself down on the bed looking over at the white clock on the boring white walls, only 12 o'clock and she felt no better than yesterday. She pulled herself up and crossed her legs on the bed, looking around mindlessly, eyes falling on the note Sarah left her, she decided to message her

'Hey are you free, wanna get a coffee, I'm thinking about going to that convention you were talking about but don't really know' she read over the message a few times before sending the message, watching the delivered appear beneath the text. She turned her phone off and put it on the side table 


Rhea Ripley's annoyanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora