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She walked through the halls of WWE, noticing how they were particularly quiet and coming to the conclusion everyone probably just wanted to get home early after a long night. She looked at the Uber app, seeing the ride would cost $30 instead of the usual $17 and the fact it would take 9 minutes to arrive, she just decided to walk home. The roads were all lit pretty well since they were main roads anyway. 

She tied her shoelaces slightly tighter and began her walk, noting how peaceful the night was and how the air nipped at her legs. She mentally scolded herself for wearing a skirt, looking up at the dark sky and silently telling it she was cold and to knock it off. Instead of a warm breeze brushing against her she was met with tiny droplets, falling onto her head. She sped up her walk, hoping to make it to the hotel in time knowing it was a pointless task as she was still fifteen minutes walk away. As the rain began to quicken so did Evie, until it was pouring down on her, she pulled her phone out of her hoodie and quickly looked at the weather beginning to worry as a severe weather warning flashed on her screen. The droplets of rain scrolling her screen in all different directions, she wiped it over with her sleeve and put it back in her pocket, deciding it would be embarrassing yet more efficient to sprint to her hotel. 

She was miserable, as her wet hair stuck to her face and the few cars that drove past splashed water at her, almost drowning her with the height of the splashes. She sighed loudly, glad she took her makeup off before hand so people didn't misplace her for a rabid racoon. She wanted to believe she was nearly there but with her legs tiring she knew she was a good ten minutes away, knowing she was already drowned she slowed back into a walk, screaming at herself for not bringing a coat. All the cars that drove past splashed her, none slowing down and trying to minimise the damage, so she didn't notice the car that slowed down to her speed until it pulled up in front of her. Making her have that subconscious thought everyone does in that situation ;are they going to kidnap me, she stopped. The car backing up and Evie frozen in place until she was level with the front window. 

It wound its window down, her heart doing a thousand beats per minute, Rhea sat in the warm car, her phone up and took a picture of Evie, causing her to only imagine what she looked like. 'Get in' she said sternly, Evie assumed she unlocked the car as a loud double click could be heard from the outside. 'No I'm nearly there, and I'm already wet anyway. And ill ruin your seats' Evie said, Rhea laughed, 'I make enough in a week to buy a new one there's a weather warning, get in I wont tell you again' She said giving her a look that said don't even try. Evie sighed loudly, walking round the back of the car and opening the passenger door, taking one last sigh before she got in. Rhea didn't even wait for her to put her seatbelt on before she set off.

'Thank You' Evie said, slicing the silence in half, Rhea pressed a few buttons on the centre console, making hot air blow out at her and her seat feel hot. 'Why walk a twenty minute walk in the dark during a sever weather warning' Rhea asked, not taking her eyes off the road. 'I didn't see it' Evie answered embarrassed, 'What the time or the warning' Rhea joked, jabbing at Evie's stupid decision. Evie chuckled, taking her time to look around Rheas car, admitting it was actually very nice, looking at the 4 interlocking rings that it was an Audi, but trying to figure out what model. 'Audi R8' Rhea said, watching amused as the girl tried to subtly look round her car. 

'Oh, its very nice' Evie said, no knowledge about cars, but knowing it is expensive by the look, she peered over the dashboard looking at the bonnet. 'Is it' Evie tried, 'Yes it's wrapped...matte black' Rhea cut her off, Evie noting how it didn't bother her how she did so. The rest of the drive was silent however it never felt awkward, both the women enjoying the quiet and the company but refusing to say so. Evie watched the empty fields pass them by, smiling at the sleeping sheep and cows, whilst Rhea watched the dull roads, and Evie from the corner of her eye, wondering how she could find so much enjoyment in a simple drive. 

After ten minutes of silence they neared the hotel, 'You can put your shit in my garage if you want' Rhea offered out of nowhere. 'Oh' Evie paused 'Really' she questioned where the kindness had come from. 'It's unused space, I never go in there so if you want to go for it' she added. 'Are you sure' Evie still questioned. 'Accept before i change my mind' Rhea said still refusing to look at the girl. 'Yes please' Evie said, 'It's not here yet, though'. Rhea answered 'You know where to find me when you need me' as they pulled into the hotel parking lot. 

They both got out of the car, Evie pulling her skirt down that stuck to the back of her legs. She looked back at the car, admitting it looked very nice. 'Its a very pretty car' she said. 'Oh I know' Rhea smirked. They walked into the hotel lobby, Rhea not making Evie take the stairs and allowing her to get into the elevator with her. They stood in silence, both facing the door, Evie was surprised as they both got off on the same floor, expecting Rhea to be in the fancier suites up a few floors, Evie took a right down a corridor, Rhea following her. Evie thought maybe she was just making sure she got to her room safe, or visiting someone on the same floor. She was surprised when she pulled her key out at the same time as her and stopped at the room next to hers. 'Night' Evie said as she closed the door to her room, hearing Rhea say the same to her. 

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