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Evie relaxed for the majority of the day, taking her time whilst getting her dinner at the buffet. Filling her plate with pastries and toast, leaving what she didn't eat in her locker, wrapped neatly like a present in a red tissue.  She milled around for the rest of the day, watching the process of all the backstage staff while they were moving states. She managed to talk to Corey and Kevin about what to expect on the show, whilst Evie got ready she reflected on how she hadn't seen Rhea even though she had been there all day. Her moment of confusion was stopped as Liz told her she had been in wardrobe earlier but she had been training all day. 

The show began, the audience buzzing with excitement as they watched the last show before Wrestlemania. She entered with Corey and Kevin, waving at the crowd, feeling beautiful as her dress flowed behind her. The green gems on her dress seemed to sparkle and the silk material shimmered under the bright stage lights, she made her way down the ramp. Kevin pulled her chair out, waiting for her to sit and pushing it into the desk, she laughed and thanked him, rolling the chair back and forth hinting at the wheels. She put her headset on and began to speak. 'I'm Evie and this is Kevin and Corey, Welcome to WWE Monday night Raw' Evie announced into her mic, 'Indeed and the last show before Wrestlemania goes to Hollywood' Corey added, nodding at Evie. 'Let's see who joins us tonight' Corey said, pointing at the ramp.

Seth Rollins walked out, the crowd quickly catching on and singing his tune 'Seth Rollins joining us tonight, We will see him at Hollywood in a match against Logan Paul' Evie said to the crowd, her voice barely able to be heard over the singing. She laughed at the ability of Sarah Rollins to captivate l the audience, he stepped into the ring and grabbed a mic. 'Ooh oh oooh' oh he sang into the mic, 'Logan Paul, I mean how pathetic. I'm going to bury you in that canvas and when I do, stick to social media and leave it to the professionals. I'm going to send you to hospital on your birthday but hey, you asked for it and when I do for your own safety I'd stay there' he announced, dropping his mic and jumping out of the ring, not looking back as he walked up the ramp, finally turning around and bowing to the crowd before walking backstage.

Next to join was a match between Racheal Rodriguez and Iyo Sky, it was over fast as Iyo attempted to moonsault Rachel but she caught it and threw her onto the canvas, landing her on her head and knocking her out allowing her to get the three count and win the match. Imperium then graced the stage against LWO, Imperium won, leaving Gunther lots of time to show off his strength and his belt, which no one enjoyed and the crowd boo'd them off the stage loudly.

'I wonder who we will see next' Evie said into her mic, 'I know, the rational thing to do is save yourself for Wrestlemania but none of these superstars think rationally' Corey shouted. THIS IS MY BRUTALITY blasted through the speakers, making Evie shiver, Rhea Ripley walked out accompanied by Dominic, both with speakers in hand. She ignored the crowd as she walked down, keeping her eyes staring straight at the ring. She stepped in and put the microphone to her lips. 'This weekend at Wrestlemania I take on The Queen Charlotte Flair 14 time Women's Champion. And when I beat her I will become the Raw Women's Champion and I will run WWE' she was cut off by Charlotte entering the stage, she walked down to the stage with the belt around her waist, microphone held up ready to speak. 'Oh Rhea I built WWE, I'm 14 time Women's Champion for a reason and it has always been Flair as a champion or a challenger. I will win and I will remain like always' she poked. Rhea dropped her mic, glaring at Charlotte. Charlotte unclipped the belt and threw it to the side. Rhea punched her unexpectedly, however Charlotte threw the punches back, after minutes of fighting the women were tired, however wouldn't give up. Not allowing refs and officials to split them up, Rhea grabbed Charlotte by the throat and threw her into the announce desk, making Evie Corey and Kevin dive out of the way quickly. Rhea walked back up the ramp with Dominic whilst the refs all crowded by Charlotte lying on the floor.

The show finished soon after, Evie Corey and Kevin all walking off in unison but splitting  off once they got backstage. Evie quickly noticed everyone was full on running around frantically, thinking it was something to do with Rhea's attack on Charlotte she pulled somebody asked them, they quickly confirmed that although Charlotte wasn't in the best condition she would be okay and this was just the preparation for Wrestlemania. Evie continued on and got ready to leave, it paining her to leave the green dress behind. She took her makeup off and did her skincare routine, noticing although she could do it at home she just was so tired by the time she had finally got there she had no energy anyway. She took her mic back to technical and got her leftover food from her locker, making her way outside, just as she was about to get an Uber Rhea pulled up, telling her to get and she would drive them back. 'You okay' Evie asked, Rhea took a deep breath in 'Yep' she snapped, clearly holding her thoughts hostage. Evie looked over at her, hating how stressed she looked and having to admit she felt some feelings towards her, not knowing exactly what they were but knowing they wouldn't go away, forcing Evie to shut them out. 

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