Mario Kart and Liveshows

Start from the beginning

The game starts and you lean forward slightly.

*le time skip*

"I thrashed you," Dan says, smirking at you.

"We were only one place apart, Dan. You were first, I was second, remember?" you remind him, in a kind of 'playschool teacher' voice.

"I still thrashed you," he insists.

You roll your eyes. "Fine."

He leans over to you and gives you a peck on the cheek. You feel your cheeks warm up, even though you should be used to Dan kissing you. He laughs softly at you. You smile.

"You're adorable," you tell him.

"I know," he says, putting his hands under his face in a v shape. "I'm fabulous!"

"That's Pewdiepie's line," you say, crossing your arms and grinning.

"Fine, I am literally the most fabulous person on the internet."

"Slightly better."

"Oh, by the way, tomorrow is Zoe's birthday. She's having a party thing."

"Seriously? You are crap at telling me things. I haven't even got her anything yet!"


"It's okay. Have you got her a present?"

"Nope, not yet," he admits.

"Well then, you're coming with me to get something tomorrow."

"Ughhhh. I hate shopping."

"Would you rather shop and be mildly bored or be completely embarrassed when you say to Zoe you haven't got her anything?"

"You sound like my mum."

"Answer it," you insist.

He tilts his head over dramatically, thinking. "Hmm... I'd rather be completely embarrassed."

You shove his shoulder. A little bit too hard, as he nearly falls off the sofa, yelping.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" you exclaim, looking at him anxiously.

He just laughs. "That's okay."

You breathe a sigh of relief, that turns into a yelp as you're pushed over.

"Now we're even," a hysterically laughing Dan says.

"I hate you," you grumble, with no hate whatsoever in your voice.

"Love you too!" he replies, winking.

*le time skip*

You grab your laptop and go back into your room. You close the door, then go onto tumblr and type in (your and Dan's ship name). Lots of gifs come up; they're shots of the videos where you were hugging and holding hands.

You stop scrolling when you see a post saying:

Who else ships (you and Dan's ship name)? If so, check out my fanfic! Link below :P

"Oh crap," you say aloud.

"Here's Y/n, being antisocial as usual," Phil says, throwing open your door and making you jump.
His laptop is in his hand, and there's a liveshow recording. "What are you doing?"

"Being an antisocial hedgehog. Tumblr is the main cause of it."

"Oh yeah. You guys keep telling me that Tumblr is ruining your lives!" Phil says to his laptop. "Do any of you have any questions for Y/n?"

You put down your laptop and turn to face him.

He pauses a minute before asking you random questions from the chat.

"Does Phil annoy you with his late night cereal eating?"

"No, I've never caught him doing it," you say, smiling.

"How old are you?"

"I am twenty one years young."

"In bed, what's your favourite positi- NOPE," Phil says, immediately blushing.

You laugh. "The browsing position," you say, clicking your fingers at the camera.

Phil rolls his eyes. "Anyway, let's go see Dan. Say bye, Y/n!"

"Bye!" you say, giving the laptop a small wave.

Phil smiles at you, closes the door and walks off to find Dan.

A/N: I've just realised that this is mostly conversation... oh crap.


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