"Is it a trap?" asked Captain Karnu, who was leading the group.

"Could be, captain." The technician said.

"Well, for safety's sake, we will use two dark troopers to press the button to open the door. One dark trooper will press the button, and the other will observe from 10 meters away from the panel." Captain Karnu said. "We all return to the shuttle immediately, we take cover around the shuttle."

"Yes, Captain." said the technician.

Everyone except the technician who gave the order to the two dark troopers immediately rushed back to their shuttle. The engineer, after giving instructions, immediately ran after his friends. Everyone was finally in the vicinity of their shuttles, protected by the shields of the shuttles.

"Press the button to open that door!" Captain Karnu ordered.

"Yes, captain." Lieutenant Jarka, the team's second in command, said as he gave orders to the dark trooper in front of the control panel. The dark trooper pressed the button to open the giant door.

Due to the vacuum inside the satellite, there was no sound transmission, but everyone could feel the vibrations as the door slowly opened. Although the door had not been operated for a very long time, it opened quite smoothly, as if it had been oiled that morning.

After confirming that no traps were present, the whole team rushed back into the passage. Behind the giant door was a cavern that had a diameter of 100 meters. The cavern contained a variety of items that looked messy. It appeared to be a loading dock. On the walls of the cavern were many doors that were airlocks of various sizes, leading to the interior of the installation.

The whole team then scanned around the cavern to determine which door to open. There are 10 small doors that measure 2.5m high and 1.5m wide. There were also five large doors, each 5 m high and 5 m wide. Underneath the doors were rails, indicating that the doors were places for loading goods into the installation.

After some time, they found one of the airlocks, behind which were connected various large passageways that presumably led to the interior of the installation. Once again, the control panel showed that the door was not locked, only that there was additional security in the form of a lock button that could be easily opened by following a certain pattern, apparently an additional security measure to prevent the door from accidentally opening.

The team leader, Captain Karnu, immediately informed Colonel Tinel and was told that all teams had the same result. Therefore, after meeting online for a while, each team will first include a dark trooper to scan the inside of the installation and investigate whether there are any traps or not. An astromech droid will also be included in the first team to take stock of the technological devices available and a protocol droid to communicate if communication efforts are suddenly required. The entire team will await the arrival of the two droid types, with four droids per droid type for a total of eight additional droids per team. In total, there would be 40 dark troopers per team, with the remaining 10 dark troopers still escorting the team.

Once everything was ready, the dark troopers once again opened the airlock and entered the installation.




Inside Airlock

As soon as the dark troopers entered the installation, they split up and secured the surroundings. Then they conducted an exploration of the inside of the installation. It was a condition that, if one were to explore it on their own, would be similar to the atmosphere in horror films. There were empty rooms and corridors that were still tidy, and almost all the lights were still on. It was an eerie silence. All the equipment is functioning properly, although many are inactive. However, all equipment can be activated properly. In general, the entire station was in working order, but there was no one inside.

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