Chapter 56: Draconic Roar: Intermission

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Ayanokoji Pov
The day where the results of Paper Shuffle being published had arrived. Everyone was in class a lot earlier than usual, and a sickly depression fell over the room. The sun was blocked by a cover of grayish clouds, threatening rain later. That's why I packed an umbrella in my bag.

Horikita: Do you think anyone will be expelled?

Horikita asked me from across the small area between us.

Ayanokoji: Yup! I bet everything will be fine. As long Yamauchi didn't think of Kikyo the whole exam.

I peaked over at Yamauchi who was staring at Kikyo with his lusty eyes. Kikyo wasn't even looking at him though; she was looking at Horikita and I, with a strange expression to me, and daggers to Horikita. Horikita took notice and practically snarled at her like a canine. I didn't know which subjects those two bet on, but I know that they certainly felt the tension. I heard the bell rang, followed by a menacing Chabashira-Sensei walk into the room. She visited a lot more with smirks on her face, compared to the bored version we had before. She was invested in this year, probably because we were in a game of Tug of War with Class C.

Chabashira: Settle down class, homeroom is starting.

Ayanokoji: Chabashira-Sensei, when will you be showing the results?

Chabashira: I was recommended to show the results at the end of this period, but I suppose you guys want to see the results now? Ayanokoji, how do you think the class did?

She leaned closer to my direction while she raised her eyebrow at me. I felt everyone's gaze look into my soul and I sighed inwardly.

Ayanokoji: I think we all passed! I believe that we all worked so, super duper hard, so I think we all did great on the exam!

I flashed the maiden slaying smile at the people in class which could capture the hearts of any maiden. It was a +3 Artifact-No, no it isn't.

Chabashira: I see...Horikita-San? What do you think?

Everyone turned to look at Horikita. Now that I think about it, Horikita looks like a younger version of Chabashira-Sensei.

Horikita: I think the class did well. Well enough to beat Class C that is. However, I can't speak for the whole class, I can say I for one have studied to get the best score I could.

Chabashira: I see. Without further ado, here are your results.

Chabashira put the chart up on the board and everyone peeked for their names.  I scanned rapidly, Hondo and I got a 75 average in most of our subjects which was good.  I then looked at everyone else; No one failed.

Chabashira: Rejoice Class D-or should I say C-or should I say B?

Karuizawa: Wait what?!

Mii-Chan: We...we're Class B?!

Chabashira: Yes, you beat Class C and Class A beat Class B.  You lived up to the Class B position, a monumental feat for any class, especially Class D.  So congratulations.  But that does not mean you are any where close to Class A.

Class A had a 400 point lead on us and held the top position by a long shot.  Not to mention, Class C is still behind us, with Class D having that passion to rise up, they have shown it before.

Chabashira: Do not rest on your laurels, Class B.  That will Be all.  See what I did there?  I can be funny too...

Chabashira-Sensei mumbled as she left the room.  Must have been Hoshinomya-Sensei so caused this...There was an uproar as people stood up and started cheering and clapping.  Immediately, a crowd gathered around me.

Ayanokoji What If: Popularity Time(Old)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon