Chapter 45: The Nagumo Era

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Ayanokoji Pov
The school crowded into the large auditorium three days after the Sports Festival had concluded. There had been no big change in class points and the class battle had remained neck and neck, anyone could take the king of the hill position as Class A. Class D and C were engaged in a constant tug of war of who would get into Class C. Ryuen had the advantage as of now, but we had gained ground during the last exam because Class C had lost 100 points, 50 points more than we lost.

Class B was playing the defensive game so far, not really engaging with Class A at all. They had fought with Class C every once in awhile, but for the most part, they blended in with the background. That's not to say they aren't a formidable opponent. Early on we had established an alliance with them to cooperate together. If not for that, Class B would be right near Class C and D. At the end of the day, Class A was the ultimate target.

The President took the stage and I followed behind him. Nagumo, Tachibana, Kiryama, and I took position behind Elderkita, who stood at the podium. The crowd was silent and watched in anticipation of his announcement.

Elderkita: Hello students of ANHS. I have called you all here today to discuss my career as the Student Council President. I have been in this position for a long while now, and I believe it is time to pass my title down to the next generation. I would like to formerly turn in my resignation from the Student Council, and I appoint Nagumo Miyabi as the next President. It has been an honor serving for you all.

Elderkita bowed deeply and the crowd was in a stunned silence. No one knew what to do, should they clap, should they cheer? It didn't seem right considering he had resigned. Some might have been thinking something happened. Some might be thinking he got tired or that his Class was struggling and he had to quit to give his full effort. It was by his own accord during a competition with Nagumo and I.

Elderkita: So now, a few words from the new President.

Nagumo: Hello ANHS, it is me, your new, totally cool Prezzy! Now I'd like to make this brief so I'll do all the stuff now. I, Nagumo Miyabi, will uphold the schools honor and will not act in a way that will blemish the Student Council or this school! But I want to change this school for the better. A true meritocracy . Where individuals don't have to play dollhouse with their classmates to make it to the top. You'll see what I mean in your coming time here. It's time for a new era baby! The Nagumo Era! That's all from me, so see you all around!

The crowd clapped but it wasn't wholehearted. Elderkita resigned, and Nagumo was ushering in his "Nagumo Era". Truly, a turn to be alive.

I had thought about this for awhile now. While I do not like Nagumo, or agree with Nagumo, there is simply to much on my plate to have him as an enemy as well. With Koenji and Ryuen throwing bombs over the wall at me, I have to play it smart or I'll be blown up by these psychopaths.  The Nagumo route is the only way to go...for now.  When the time comes for it, my path will lead over Nagumo's grave.

The school filed out and I saw Nagumo talking to Asahina and Kiryama on the stage.  Nagumo handed Kiryama a slip to which he then threw the slip back at Nagumo.  Kiryama was the only person who seriously opposed Nagumo.  I believe Kiryuuin didn't go against nor support Nagumo, strictly trying to annoy him for fun.  Class 2-B was behind Class 2-A by 600 points currently, 683 points to 1,300 points.  Everyone had fallen to Nagumo for the promise of his selected favorites reaching Class A at the end.  The difference between Nagumo and Class 2-D was more than a thousand points.  He reigned supreme and Kiryama hated him for it.  But enough about him, he is fodder.

Ayanokoji: Hey Nagumo-Senpai!  Can I talk to you for a sec?

Asahina: Oh there's my little Kohai!  Miyabi-Kun talks about you sometimes you know.  What have you done to agin his attention I wonder?

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