Chapter 60: Opening Day

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Ayanokoji Pov
Chabashira: Alright Class B. This is the day of the Culture Festival. You will have a day tomorrow, but that will be strictly for the government investors in this school. Do your best out here today and tomorrow. Good luck.

Chabashira-Sensei left the room and everyone took positions. The girls were standing near the windows and door while the boys were dressed in butler outfits. We had black suits on, a black tie, and a white dress shirt underneath. Hirata, Ken, Ike, and I were ok first shift. Ike was working the register with Horikita while the rest of us were working on the floor. We had Kikyo, Matsushita, and Akito advertising everything across the school and at the entrances.

Horikita: Ayanokoji, Sudo, Hirata. Ready? We are about to open the doors and-

Horikita peeked her head out the window.

Horikita: We already have quite a large line outside.

Kiyotaka: Are our advertisers that good?

Ike: No it's cause your face is on all the flyers!

Ken: Lucky bastard!

Yamauchi: It should have been me b it whatever.

Karuizawa: Mm no, no it should not have been. You're a lady killer.

Yamauchi: Yeah, what's your point?

Sato: She doesn't mean romantically, she means you are like Jack the Ripper.

Yamauchi: Gah!

Horikita opened the doors and I could see at least 10 girls crowding around the door. They backed off immediately as Horikita rolled her eyes and Ike stood behind her, intimidated by her aura.

Horikita: We can take tables of 4.

A few groups split and raised their hands and Ike guided them over to the tables. I had a group of girls from the second year and they gawked at me without me even smiling. It seems this suit gave me +4 charm and appeal to woman. I gave them a smile and a menu and they began to stutter out their orders. C-c-c-c'mon ladies, stutter much?

Rando: C-can I get a um pancake with some blueberries and some orange juice?

Kiyotaka: Mhm, and you?

Rando: He-hey I would like some waffles and some milk please?

Kiyotaka: Coming right up!

I left their table and told our resident chef Onodera.

Onodera: Ok~Maybe we shouldn't be carbo loading though...

Yamauchi: Ok Almond girl.

Hirata: Got another order!

Onodera: Give it to Mii-Chan!

Mii-Chan: On it!

Mii-Chan appears out of nowhere and took the order before disappearing behind the thin curtain. This was intentional though. Letting the smell of the food waft out and into the halls will attract people in and then they will spend more money. A simple yet affective way to make money.

Haruka: Kiyopon! Get ready for the pictures~

Oh yes, the pictures. We allowed customers to pay for pictures with the butler of their choice. We predicted that I and Hirata would have the most pictures. Time to get my cheek muscles warmed up, it's like I'm gonna be running a marathon with my cheek muscles with Sandy Cheeks after me.

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