Very Sus SS 2

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Ayanokoji Pov

I ran from the dead body as fast as possible, and went to the medical area. There, I mixed some fluids and ran off when Emergency Meeting flashed on my screen


Demonic_Angel: Please calm down! Let's thing if the likely suspects. Ryuen-Kun did threaten Horikita-San in the pre-game

This girl...she lies like she breathes.

FufufuEnjoyer: Fufufu, perhaps it was you, Kushida-San?

Kushida's#1fan: How could you say that you monster?! Kushida-Chan would never! Right?

Average-Kukuku-Enjoyer: Shut up simp. This is a game, so if she was the impostor, of course she would kill.

Snek: How inflammatory of you Mr. Dragon. Should we vote you out?

Strawberry: Everyone please calm down! Our suspect is Ryuen-Kun, so I propose we vote him out.

Average-Kukuku-Enjoyer: SHUT UP STRAWBERRY HAIR

Soccer Fan62: Everyone, let's calm down


Voting time came, and the results were shone, anonymously of course. I voted Ryuen for obvious reasons. The vote was surprising

Soccer Fan62 was ejected
(The results are anonymous)

From the image that showed up, Ryuen was safe by one vote, and it seems Hirata got the boot. If I had to bet, Kikyo's fans, Kikyo herself, and Ryuen voted him, but that was just a theory. A GAME THEO-I will shut up now

I set off to go retrieve my chemicals form the medbay, and finished that task when I saw a lone Kikyo fan wandering the halls. In one swift movement, I snapped their neck then took off down the hall.

I passed my Shizuku, who hadn't really spoke  this entire game, and she simply went out of my path.  I wouldn't kill her...yet.  She provided a strong alibi because I didn't kill her, nor did she spot me near the body of Kikyo's body-pillow owning #1 fan

Emergency Meeting

Besides the death of Kikyo fan, there was another: the death of FufufuEnjoyer

Spicy Pepper: First Horikita-Chan, and now Ike-Kun?!  I WILL KILL THE MONSTER WHO DID THIS

Snek: Calm down dude, for all we know, you did it!  You killed the princess after all

Average-Kukuku-Enjoyer: Again, shut up simp

Snek: No u

OH SHEET SHOTS FIRED.  The mood was volatile, as Ken had already cast his vote, Snek and Kukuku enjoyer cast their votes, as well as Strawberry and the others

The results were out:

Spicy Pepper was ejected

Oh dayum.  Luckily for me, the crew was just picking themselves off one by one, with Kikyo and I just doing some menial slaying.

The group returned back to the map, and I noticed we just need two more kills to win the game. 

I followed Kikyo and both of us faked doing tasks when the perfect opportunity fell in our lap: A lone fruit wandering the halls.  We crept silently up behind her, and Strawberry realized we were there before it was too late.  She let out a scream, but no one heard, and it seemed the strawberry bled

Emergency Meeting

Average-Kukuku-Enjoyer: It was Kushida, she killed Ichinose

Snek: Yup, she's been acting pretty sus

Oh sheet he said the thing!

Shizuku: Y-yeah she has been pretty weird.  S-sorry Kushida-San

Demonic_Angel: It's fine Sakura-Chan

I could practically hear Kikyo's head vein throbbing.  Everything is not fine

With no other option, I voted Kikyo.

Demonic_Angel: Before I go, the other impostor is Ryuen-Kun!

Demonic_Angel has been ejected

The Final 5 Returned To The Map

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