Chapter 51: Trading Blows

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                        Ayanokoji Pov
Chabashira: There will be a trial three days from now where someone from this class will have to represent Yamauchi.  Normally, the Student Council Secretary presides over this, however, Nagumo, the President, will watch over this meeting.  The President will decide the punishments which range from suspension and all the way to expulsion and the loss of points.  Additionally, Ayanokoji is unable to represent Yamauchi because he is of the Student Council.  Your class will not lose points to Yamauchi's absence, however visiting him is not an excuse to ditch class.  Do well to also remember the mock test coming up soon, and who you intend to target for this battle.  That is all for the morning homeroom.

Chabashira walked out of the room, and almost immediately there was an uproar.  People started shouting and sending glared at Ike who sat in the corner.  Yamauchi's desk was empty since he was still at the nurse.

Shinohara: Damnit, damn that pervert!  He should have just failed an exam or something and left.  Now he is going to drag the whole class down!

Karuizawa: Yeah, he sucks!  We shouldn't even bother trying to help his stupid self.

Ayanokoji: But what if he didn't do it?  And how would you feel if you were accused of something you didn't do and just got left by your class?

Karuizawa: How are we so sure he didn't do it in the first place?  He probably did do it and we are defending a rapist?  Like no, that isn't for me.

Shinohara: Kei-Chan is right!  Let's get out of this business and let Yamauchi be expelled!

Ike: Shut up ugly!  Haruki wouldn't do this!  Sure he might do some weird things, but he's no rapist!

Shinohara: Oh yeah?  How do we know you aren't just covering for your little rapist friend?  It's no secret you two wasted of space are close.

Ike: And it's no secret you're an ugly bitch!

Everyone gasped and Shinohara stood there speechless.  Her face was red like fire and she walked over and slapped Ike across the face as Karuizawa tried to stop her.

Shinohara: What is your problem?  You're nothing but a waste of space, you and your friend should just drop out.  Why were you even born, you're nothing but a mistake!

Hirata: Shinohara-San!

Ayanokoji: Shinohara, calm down!

Ike: Hey Shinohara, come over here and say that again, eh?  I'll turn you into a squashed blueberry!  You are the mistake here!

Horikita: Ike, Shinohara, both of you shut up!

Karuizawa: Satsuki-Chan, come over here. 

Karuizawa hugged Shinohara and dragged her back over to their desks as Ike stood still like a statue, with an angered expression all over his face.

Ayanokoji: Right, well I don't believe Yamauchi raped Manabe!  He may be a pervert, but like Ike said, he is not a rapist! 

Sato: If he didn't do it, then why would Manabe-San accuse him? 

Kikyo: Well Ryuen might have forced her, right?  I remember last night, Kiyotaka, Horikita, and I visited Yamauchi and he told us what happened.

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