Chapter 57: Butler vs Maids: Battle of Horny Island

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Ayanokoji Pov
The snow fell over the school as students rushed into the school.  I had finally recovered from the common cold after a day and a half of napping. Kikyo, Shiina, and many other people from all the classes. Ichinose commonly visited me and apologized every time for taking my umbrella. She should be sorry! They cold was the worst. My eyes were itchy and puffy as if I cried myself down a river-and I can't even cry. My nose was stuffed up like a piñata and it was leaking snot all the time, causing me to have a pile of used tissues. That's the difference between Yamauchi and I. His tissues were for Kikyo, nine were for me. Well, I have been thinking about doing that thing...After all, who cares what happens to a few tissues?

Sotomura: Ayanokoji-Dono, have you watched the anime I recommend to you?

Ayanokoji: Hm? Naruto right? Yeah it was really good! I'm around the arc where they have to chase Sasuke down.

Sotomura: The Retrieval Arc I believe! I might be wrong, it's been awhile since I have returned to the series so yeah.

Sato: Heeeey Ayanokoji-Kun! I was wondering if you wanted to come shopping with Kei, Hirata, and Satsuki later?

I looked away from Sotomura to see my next foe approaching: Level 10 simp, Sato Maya. I had heard from my secret informant cough Karuizawa and Kikyo Cough, that she had a crush on me before the sports festival, but is now even more head over heels for me. She had seen me contend with Nagumo and Elderkita, so she said I was "even hotter." But I do have my own harem, so it makes sense. Now where was I?

Ayanokoji: Sure, I'll join you guys!

Shinohara: Oh great!

Shut up Shinogoblin.

Hirata: There we're some new clothes out that I wanted to buy, what about you Ayanokoji-Kun?

Ayanokoji: Nothing has stuck out to me recently, but I can see once we get to the mall.

The door slid open, revealing our teacher, Chabashira. She was as calm as she was thicc. What was I saying?

Chabashira: Alright Class B, to your seats!

She was in a happier mood I could see and that was to do with our promotion to Class B.  The entire class seemed to pick up on this and were all acting haughtily, acting nonchalant about it all, even though you could tell they were brimming with happiness.

Ike: Sae-Sensei, I bet you're happy we got to Class B right?

Chabashira: Yes that is correct.  I thought at least three of you would be expelled at the midterms but here we are, no expulsions.  No Class D has ever gone this far without at least two expulsions, so I suppose you are an exception.  Perhaps you will reach Class A!  But enough about that: It's time for the next special exam.

Chabashira-Sensei took out her dark red marker and wrote on the board

Culture Festival Exam

Kikyo: Oh come on!

Ayanokoji: I guess they could even make this an exam...

Chabashira: The Culture Festival Exam is of course, an exam based off a culture festival.

Horikita: Shocker...

Chabashira: Classes will compete over how many sales the class can make.  The classes with the highest point count will gain the highest reward, while the lowest will receive the lowest reward, meaning the demerit.  First place gains 50 Class Points, Second gains 25 Class Points, Third loses 25 Class Points, and 4th loses 50 class points.  This is the first Culture Festival exam in the schools history, so consider yourselves lucky to experience this.

Ayanokoji What If: Popularity Time(Old)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ