Chapter 9-Schools out for summer

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                        Ayanokoji Pov

Ah summer, the season of her, fireworks and fun at the beach.  At a normal high school, I would be frolicking on the sand with my friends, but this is ANHS.  Instead, Chabashira is explaining a summer cruise that will have two special exams titled:

Capture The Flag

Zodiac Killer

Capture the flag we all know.  Multiple teams fighting each other for the others flags.  But the Zodiac exam?  That's new.  What, are we going to hunt down the Zodiac Killer?  *Boom, boom, chak*

Chabashira: The exam rules will be explained later, but you're I'll be spending time on a luxury cruise.  Be sure to pack your essential hygiene products.  As a reward for your class having no expulsions, the cruise is all expenses paid

The class began to celebrate, cheering loudly at the fact the summer vacation will be great.  Who could blame them?  A luxury cruise isn't something you get all the time.  And I for one was looking forward to it.  I had only ever seen the ocean in person was when I was flying over it to go show off to some investors on New York.  I never got to ever smell it or taste it, so maybe I can now

We got a few days to ourselves before the break started, so I was getting invites from all over.  I accepted some, but definitely not all, there was definitely too many to answer.  After I saved Ichinose from expulsion, she had sent me a message thanking me for it and inviting me out with her friends today. 

I got to the meeting place a few minutes earlier and ran into Ichinose, Shibata, Amikura and Kanzaki

Shibata: Oh hey Ayanokoji-Kun!  What's up dude?

Ayanokoji: Hey guys!  And nothing much for me Shibata-Kun.  I have just been hanging out with friends and stuff, what about you?

Amikura: We have all been doing good, but Ayanokoji-Kim, when you said hanging out with you have a girlfriend perhaps?

This witch is coming after me from day one.  Well I can fight back too!

Ayanokoji: Well Amikura-Chan, if I were to have one, would you be jealous?

Amikura laughed and put her hands up in defeat

Amikura: Touché, but I will get you next time!

The others laughed at our antics as we went and had lunch.

Shibata: Hey Ayanokoji-Kun, why did you save Ichinose?  If you let her go, you would be Class B right now.

Ayanokoji: Well the title of what Class you have doesn't matter until graduation really so it wouldn't matter if I were B or C, because I would when the same class points.  Besides your class is formidable so you could bounce back.  And why wouldn't I help out a friend?

Amikura: Mhm, true that.  But Class B owes you one now, Ayanokoji-Kun!

Ichinose: What do you guys think about the special exams?  I am especially wkdnering about the Zodiac Killer Exam...

Her fears are not unfounded.  That name is definitely menacing and makes you wonder what is gonna be involved.  Could it be a crime related one?  Or perhaps a game similar to Werewolf?

Ayanokoji: The only thing that comes to mind is maybe a game of Werewolf?  Maybe to test our abilities to lie

Ichinose: I just hoe out classes can pull through.  Because of our failure to get good scores, we are very close to losing our position as Class B

Ayanokoji: I think your scores were tampered with...

Everyone: HUH?!

Ayanokoji: My class was taking about this since we thought we might be targeted, but I think someone paid to lower your score to lower your point increase and expel Ichinose, who is the class leader.  I doubt Class A would care, but Class D wouldn't not stoop so low as to do that.

Kanzaki: Tch that Ryuen bastard...

Ichinose: Please calm down Kanzaki-Kun!

Kanzaki: Honestly how did he even get into this school?  Surely he must have something on his record because I doubt he was a good person before this.

Shibata: Maybe it's cause of his physical prowess?  Maybe the school overlooked his past for his brawn and brains...

Amikura: That would make sense but I don't feel comfortable with someone like Ryuen sneaking around.

The next morning, the classes lined up for roll call before getting on the ship.  The ship was massive, probably as large as a normal high school; maybe even larger.

I got my room key and found myself to be with Ken, Sotomura, and Koenji.  I entered and placed my bag beside my bed and saw my other roommates did the same

Ken: Yo what's up Koji?  I am pumped for this vacation

Sotomura: Even the special exams?

Ken: Yeah!  We're gonna crush the other classes and will be Class A in no time!

Ayanokoji: Haha I like your enthusiasm.

Koenji: Ohoho, I do find these exams boring.  I will sit this one out, fufufu

Ken: Tch, oh no you don't you bastard.  We are not letting you cost us points if you sit out. You are coming; even if I have ti drag you to the exam myself

Ken have Koenji a menacing glare.  Koenji didn't seem to care and merely filed his nails.  If I had to deal with him, I will.

Speaker: Hello students, please report to the main deck where there will be an announcement

I heard this announcement form the speakers in the hallIt had been a few hours since boarding, and everyone was off doing their own thing.  I had gone off to explore the ship, finding restaurants, karaoke rooms, that kinda stuff.

I walked to the deck and the classes all lined up as a man stood on stage.  He was Class A's teacher, Mashima-Sensei.

Mashima: I am sure you all know why are here.  I will be briefly be explaining the schedule and rules for what you can bring for the next exam.  The next exam will be in 2 days on an island.  This island has no cameras, but do not worry, all students will wear Wayne's to ensure their safety.  You will be on this island for a week.  After that, you will have a 5 day rest period before going to the next exam which will take 5 days to complete.  After that, you will have three more days on the cruise.

Mashima: These two exams will be very mentally and physically straining, so please prepare yourselves.

                         That will be all

Author: Hello everyone!  I hope you had a good day so far, and I would like to introduce the start of volume 2!  The results are in, Capture the Flag will take place on the island.  The Zodiac Killer exam will be explained later.  I hope you have a good night and goodbye!  See you when I update again!

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