Chapter 2: Spoiled Rotten

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Ayanokoji Pov
Judging by my classmates reactions, I can say I scored well on my introduction. As I finished my introduction, the door slid open, and in stepped a tall figure with long black hair.

Chabashira:(Author: Or should I say Chaboobashira*Drum noises*) Hello Class D, I am your homeroom teacher, Chabashira Sae. I teach Japanese history so I will be teaching you every Tuesday and Thursday, so remember your textbooks on those days.

Chabashira then pulled out a few papers and passed it to the front row, who then passed it back. The packet contained the basic rules of the school, but a few stuck out as odd to me. "Bullying will be dealt with if reported to the school." the packet read.

'I thought that bullying was always handled regardless of the victims consent or not to the punishments to said bully, so why would they only handle it if reported?' I thought to myself

S-system stuff blah blah blah we have all read it
Chabashira: Any questions?

I raised my hand
Chabashira: Ah, Ayanokoji-Kun I presume, what is your question
Ayanokoji: How many points will we get next month? The way you phrased it as "this month" makes me wonder about it. You also said we are evaluated based off worth and merit, so does that effect our allowance?

Yamauchi: See ladies? He is just good looks and nothing else, but I over here, am the total package. Hey Ayanokoji-Kun, if we weren't going to get 100,000 points next month, wouldn't sensei have said so?

A girl with brown hair and blue eyes who I know as Matsushita Chiaki spoke

Matsushita: No, no, I think Ayanokoji-Kun has a point.

Chabashira: Well I can't say for sure, because I can't say for certain, just be careful. And class, do listen to your peer Ayanokoji-Kun, he did score perfect marks on the entrance exam after all

With that remark, the class was shocked. Not only for my score, but also the wording was creepy in a way.

Mii-Chan: W-woah! Ayanokoji-Kun, how did
you get your a perfect score?! I thought there were some college level questions on the exam


Sotomura: *Sigh* Well, he is in the protagonist seat after all


This class certainly has a few characters in it, but we still can't forget about the more pressing issue

I approached the teachers podium

Ayanokoji: Listen everyone! With the information we just received, I think we should be on guard. We have to be diligent in class if we want a high allowance next month. So just try your best in class and all that please! And if my theory is wrong, I will pay you all for wasting your time

I added that last part to garner some sympathy, if even a little

Ike: Well then, I can't wait for next month when I get 120,000 points because you are definitely wrong

Kushida: Honestly, I think we should do what Ayanokoji-Kun says! It wouldn't hurt if we tried to be better students anyways, even if he was right or wrong!

That certainly shut up Ike and the rest of the Kushida Fan Club. As I stepped away from the podium, a group of students, consisting of boys and girls, asked for my number, and I ended up going to the mall with a large group from the class

Sato: Hey Ayanokoji-Kun, do I look good in this?

Sato was wearing a bright clothing set with a pink top and a yellow short skirt

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