Chapter 11: Day 1

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                         Ayanokoji Pov

Ike: Shut up you dumb uggo!

Shinohara: The fyuck did you just call me, you overgrown fetus.

Yamauchi: Shut up you are just some uggo

The girls and guys were arguing intensely after we were handed a list containing the items we can buy.  The girls wanted to get a toilet, but the boys thought it unnecessary.  There was also something else on the list that I want, but I won't buy it...for now.

Ayanokoji: How about we buy the toilet, ok?  I know some won't like it, but it is a good way to stop our class from losing points due to misuse of the environment.  It will also make sure we don't go in poisonous plants or something!

Karuizawa: Mhm you're right Ayanokoji-Kun!

Hirata: Yeah I think he is right

Kikyo: Yes, c'mon guys, we should buy it!

Numerous people began to agree with me, and we bought the toilet, food supplies, and tents.  Ike surprisingly stepped it up this exam.  He has a camping background so he knows what he is doing.

Horikita: I can't believe I am saying this, but I think Ike-Kun just did something cool.

Ike: Hehe I told you all I was good.

Shinohara: You lost all credibility.

Ike: Shut up uggo.

Ayanokoji: Alright everyone!  I am going to go claim some spots, so be right back!

I began to run quickly to the oohs and aahs behind me, and began running into the surrounding zones.  I snagged around 5 zones before I ran into some trouble.

Ichinose: Ah, h-hello Ayanokoji-Kun!

I looked at the map on my watch: I was near Class B's camp

Ayanokoji: Ah hello Ichinose-San!  I have something to discuss with you!  I think with it, we can make Class A and Class D fail the exam.

I approached Ichinose and whispered the plan into her ear as she shone as bright as a tomato.

Ayanokoji: Ichinose-San, are you sick?

Ichinose: Ah, n-no it's just hot out.  Anyways, that plan of yours is super good!  I will get everything set later.

Ayanokoji: Ok, thank you!

The two of us went our separate ways as I returned back to base camp.  At the base camp, Ike had returned with some fish, and others had returned with food and berries which Ike then inspected to find which ones were edible

Ike: Edible, edible, edible, oop!  Inedible...

Ike threw a berry to the side, but that's exactly what I wanted.  I slowly snuck behind him and snatched the berries.  Giving them inspection, I saw none of the mmm were deadly; of course they weren't.  The school wouldn't do that, and these plants don't normally grow here; the school planted them on purpose.  The berries could cause nausea, vomiting and rashes.  Just what I need to destroy the other classes.

I began to work with Horikita and the two of us started working on the fish meal.  Plenty of girls had to try to join us cooking, some trying to shove Horikita into a bush, but Horikita stood firm and got over to join me.

Horikita: You really need to control your cult, you know that?

Ayanokoji: Haah, tell me about it...But I have a strategy to win the exam. 

I whispered the plan to Horikita.  Her eyes widened and she looked over in shock. 

Horikita: You think it will work?

Ayanokoji: I bet it will.  The other classes won't realize what we did until it is too late.

Horikita: I suppose you are right.  We should get back to cooking before we get witch hunted.

The two of us went on cooking the meal, making sure the bones wouldn't stab anyone, and making sure once more that the berries were safe

Mii-Chan: It looks so good!

Kikyo: Mhm, it's perfect!

Ken: This is the best food I've ever had!

Wait, was Ken crying?  Everyone else was digging into the meal as Horikita looked happy too. 

Ayanokoji: Do you like all their thanks?

Horikita: Haah, I won't lie:  I do like the praises.

I see.  Since she was ignored by her brother a lot, she subconsciously feigns attention; probably.  There is nothing inherently wrong with it.

It was the afternoon, and right after lunch.  The class was freshening up, cleaning the camp,and Horikita and I were officially on cooking duty.  The camp ran like a well oiled machine, everyone doing their tasks efficiently.

I, Airi, Mii-Chan, and Ken went off on scout duty.  I worry about Koenji.  So far, he has done very little other than showing off and catching a single fish.  Granted, it was a large one, but he may grow bored with just flexing his muscles everywhere and he might retire early and spend the rest of the exam on the cruise. 

Ken: That Koenji dude pisses me off.

Airi: A-At least he hasn't retired yet, Ken-Kun.

Ayanokoji: Still though, he worries me.  The fact is that he may still retire, and I have no idea how to stop him.

Mii-Chan: If only he was just more cooperative.  Is there something we could bribe him with?

Oh no.  I have an idea...ever since swim class, Koenji has been shooting be glances, as if trying to provoke me. 

Ayanokoji: We can think of something, but for now we should search for Class A and Class D's camp.

I checked the map on my watch, and I saw we were in a Class A plot of land.  We crept through as silent as we could, trying to see if we could check out the Class A site without being seen.

???: What's this?  Ohoho, just the person the princess wanted to see

We all turned to see Hashimoto of Class A chuckling to himself as he stepped out from behind a tree. 

Ken: You're Hashimoto of Class A right?  Who's the princess

Hashimoto: The princess, Sakayanagi Arisu. And Ayanokoji-Kun, my man! 

You are just the one she wanted to see

Author: Hello everyone!  Sakayanagi is participating in this exam because it has strategic elements so the school let her be involved.  Nothing else to really say.  I hope you all have a good day, and I will see you next update!

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