Chapter 35: On Thin Ice

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                        Ayanokoji Pov
The bell rang and signaled the lunch break.  Many stood up with plans to go to the cafateria to eat.  A voice on the intercom silenced them

'Ahem Ayanokoji Kiyotaka has been appointed as a secretary in the student council.  May he please report to the student council office'

Everyone clapped and cheered as Horikita have a me a bombastic side eye and returned to reading her crime novel.

Hirata: Ayanokoji-Kun, how did you get on the student council?

Matsushita: Yeah I heard Horikita-Senpai only accepted Class A students, so how did you make the cut?

Ayanokoji: I suppose I just got lucky and was picked.

Ken: Luck my ars!  Come on let's go celebrate!

Haruka: Listen, Kenny.  I'm proud of you, I am, but you need to get better listening skills!

Sato: Yeah Ayanokoji-Kun was called to the office right away.

Ayanokoji: Speaking of...see you guys later!

I waved and walked to the third year's floor and knocked on the doors of the office

???: Come in.

I opened the door and entered.  Elder Horikita was sitting in a chair at the head of the table and Tachibana standing attentively behind him.  Nagumo was fiddling absentmindedly with his phone and Asahina was reading some romance manga.

Tachibana: Nagumo, get off your phone!

Nagumo: Jeez Tachibana-Senpai, do you want my attention that bad?

Tachibana: Why you-

Horikita: Be quiet, both of you.

Tachibana backed away into her little corner as Nagumo smiled at Horikita.

Nagumo: Wow, Horikita-Senpai, why are you yelling at your secretary.  She might lose interest in you if you keep doing that...

Asahina: Miyabi...

Kiryama: Nagumo, what the-

Horikita: Nagumo, hold your tongue.  Apologies Ayanokoji.  Welcome to the student council.  As of today you will be working here.  Be sure not to sully the council's name.

Tachibana: Like that one.

Tachibana pointed her finger at Nagumo who rolled his eyes and clicked back onto his phone.  Asahina stared at Tachibana with a sympathetic look and Kiryama stared at Nagumo with hate in his eyes.

Ayanokoji: I'll be sure not to.  So it's nice to meet you all, I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, so please take care of me!

I ended it with my patented lady-killing smile.  Asahina smiled brightly with a tint of red and shook my hand.  Horikita passed me a packet

Horikita: These are some papers that need signing, could you do that?

Ayanokoji: Yeah sure I can do that.

I took a seat and began to read through the packet.  It had some point transactions listed, and I found one most odd.  Both Elder Horikita and Nagumo had paid Chabashira for my entrance exam scores.  Nagumo had paid for Ichinose's scores as well.  I threw a glance to Elder Horikita who looked back with a knowing look. 

The next page was an order from a student asking for a bathhouse.  Kiryama had typed up the cost of the bathhouse and tried figuring out a price that would make it break even. I decided to approve the order.  A bathhouse isn't a bad idea, and with the school presenting some physically taxing challenges, the bathhouse could become a hit with students.

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