Chapter 70: Talking

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                        Ayanokoji Pov
I was in my dorm room making myself dinner.  The day had ended and so had the class strategy meeting.  The Talent Show was all the rage now as many people were scrambling for what to do.  This was very simple for those in a club like Akito, but for clueless like Yamauchi it was hard to come up with one idea.  Even after coming up with an idea, there is no guarantee it will perform well.  For example, someone could do the ability to tell anime girls strictly by their hair color, but that doesn't mean the judges will give that a high score.  The options were limited for the untalented but for the talented the possibilities were endless.

Just because there are possibilities though, doesn't mean those will get good points either.  Hirata wanted to do something relating to soccer, but there is no way to say a student like Shibata wouldn't do the same thing.  Even if you are talented in what you chose, that doesn't mean someone else won't come along and be that much better.  After all, many parents tell their children when they lose, it is because nobody is ever the best at anything, and that is true.  No matter how perfect I claim to be, I can always find someone who is better than me at say trivia.  No one can be the perfect human, that just goes against basic fact and experience.

I was chopping the vegetables while I had these thoughts.  I sliced through the orange carrot in my and pushed it into the pot with my knife.  I was making a stew that included vegetables.  I still had to get to the meat but for now I was preparing the vegetables and my spice blend.  I began to mix my various spices and poured them into the stew in the bowl.  I scooped some up with a spoon and brought it to my lips and blew down on it.  It was scorching hot from behind just on the stove but it tasted pretty good so it was worth the heat.

I had sat down on my phone for a second when I saw some messages in the class group chat. 

Yamauchi: Idk what to do, I don't have just one talent to choose from!

Sato: Bro you got no talents lmao.

Shinogoblin: Lmao Sato-Chan your sooo right

Sotomura: You're*

Ike: Oop

I wonder what Yamauchi could do.  He is anime obsessed so perhaps he could show off his trivia skills.  It won't make a lot of points but considering who he is it's the only thing he can do.  Ike could do survival skills so that's him down.  Sotomura could show off his tech skills.  These aren't the best talents to show off and if this was an actual Talent Show, they would lose disastrously but this isn't a normal talent show.  This is The Talent Show of the Elite.


I heard a loud knock at my door and sighed.  I had an entire movie night waiting for me but I suppose someone needed something of me.  I quickly went into the kitchen and put the pot aside.  It was ready to serve.

I opened the door to see a blonde beauty at the door, none other than my morally questionable friend, Kikyo. 

Kiyotaka: Kikyo?  Why are you here?

Kikyo: Sorry for stopping by unannounced.  I was hungry and I know you make some good food so I came for some.

Kiyotaka: Oh well come in.

Kikyo walked in nervously and sat at the table while I went into the kitchen and began to pour the stew into different bowls.  Kikyo was acting strange.  The way she talked was different and she sounded more reserved and polite which was the opposite of how she usually acts around me.  No doubt because of what happened on Christmas.  I brought the bowls out and sat down across from Kikyo.

Kikyo: Mm, it tastes good.

Kiyotaka: Yeah...

I breathes a deep breath and looked up at Kikyo who was staring down into her food like it would jump up and attack her.

Kiyotaka: So we are both being awkward about it, but about what happened on Christmas.

Kikyo: Ohahaha yeah.

She was a good actor but I could still hear the nervous quiver in her voice.  She looked up and looked into my eyes.

Kikyo: Well there is no use beating around the voice.  I...I!

I think that's what best friends do!

Kiyotaka: Is that so?

I tilted my head as she began to speak again.  I didn't know best friends did this...well then again, I've never had a best friend so I guess that makes sense.

Kikyo: Yeah!  At least with best friends of the opposite sex.  But you can't just do it to any best friend.  Mhm, yeah they have to be of the opposite sex and it has to be started by the female.  But the man can't ask to do it and you can't talk to anyone about it.  It's a special rule that if spoken about it's like fight club.  Oh and you can only do it with one best friend, so I already did it and you can't do it with anyone else.  But being boyfriend and girlfriend is totally different things mhm yeah!

Kikyo seemed happy and energetic.

Kiyotaka: Good to know!  I never knew that before!

Kikyo's thoughts

Kikyo: The fyuck how did that work?!

We ate our meal in piece and started talking like normal.  It seems our best friend gap had been fixed with a simple explanation.  As Kikyo packed up to leave, I decided to carry out my end of the best friend rule.

I moved forward and in one swift motion, kissed Kikyo on the cheek.

Kiyotaka: There!  I did my end of the rule.

Kikyo: Haha, hsnsahauaijan.  G'byeaaa.

Kikyo looked as red as a tomato and was speaking like a crazy woman and was muttering while she staggered back to the elevator.

      Time to watch some rom-coms

Author: If you don't like this type of romance where it's stupid and one of them might be yandereish...then no.  I like doing this and that's the dealio for realio.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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