Chapter 10: Explanation and Day 1

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                         Ayanokoji Pov

I walked around along the ships deck late at night, as the moon and stars shone into the water.  The air was salty, and I could see seaweed adrift; it's just how I thought it would be.  I stood at the railing as I stared out at the calm waters.

Himeno: Ah you're Ayanokoji-Kun right?

Ayanokoji: Yup, that's me!

Himeno: I have a quick question; why did you save Ichinose?  We are competing classes, so you should have let Ichinose be expelled

Ayanokoji: Well why would I abandon you?  We are allies after all, and letting you drop only benefits Ryuen.

Himeno: I see...Haah whatever, I don't care.  I guess I can say: Thanks Ayanokoji-Kun, thanks.

Himeno walked away, her arms crossed.  She is a really guarded individual, and to my knowledge, she isn't too interested with her friends at all, she just shows up when the class needs her.

Kikyo: Ohohoho, Kiyotaka-Kun is a playah~

Oh god that teasing voice.  I turned my head to see Kikyo approaching from the other direction, with an evil smirk plastered on her face

Ayanokoji: What are you doing out so late? 

Kikyo: I could ask the same thing of you.  But if you must know, I am here to get some fresh air.  I was getting dragged around by people all day.  What about you?

Ayanokoji: Haah me too.  It's so rare to get a calm moment like this.

Both of us were complaining to each other about the mental strain to have so many friends pulling you every which way.

Kikyo: Kiyotaka-Kun, it's dangerous for me to be here y'know.

Ayanokoji: Huh?

Kikyo: Any of your fam girls would kill to be in my position!

She giggled as if she didn't make me wonder if she was being bullied or something

Ayanokoji: Hm?  What do you mean by that

Kikyo have me a blank stare, and just


Ayanokoji: Did I do something?

Kikyo: Kiyotaka-Kun, there is no way you are that dense.  You have an entire frickin fan club!

Kikyo showed me her phone, where there was a group chat titled "Ayanokoji Fan Club."

Kikyo: All the girls talk about you, all the damn time y'know.  I know basically every things about you based off how these girls talk about you.

Good, it seems I have reached some decent height, but it is no where near the top.  There is still Nagumo Miyabi of 2-A at the top, and he holds it all.  From what I have heard and seen, he is tall, smart, and led his class B up to Class A after mopping the floor with them in exams.  They say the point gap is 750 points between Class B and Class A.

Kikyo: Sometimes I wonder if you are really smart, or are just the luckiest person alive

Ayanokoji: Who knows...

Speaker: Attention, the island for your next exam is in view, please gather on the deck for instruction

It was around 11:00am now, and I was walking around with Ken, Airi, Haruka and Akito.

Ken: Koji, my man, please tell me you have a plan for this exam!

Haruka: How would he?  The exam was just announced after all.

Ken: Oh yeah, true that.

Ken scratched his neck, clearly embarrassed by the way he just quickly asked.

Airi: I mean, I t-think Kiyotaka-Kun could do it though...

Akito: Mhm, if anyone can, it's Kiyotaka-Kun.

Ayanokoji: Don't worry, I won't let anyone down!

That's true, I don't plan on letting anyone down.  I plan on taking it all this exam.  I just have to figure out the plan.  Of course, I also have to think about them.

Mashima: Ok, it seems everyone is here.  So, this exam is the Capture the Flag Exam.  Each class will be given a plot of land on this island.  The island is divided 10x10.  Class A will start at A1, Class D at A10, Class B at J1 and Class C at J10.  The other 96 plots can be claimed by the classes and each extra plot of land taken is +1 points.  Plots can also be taken by other classes, for example, Say Class D takes Class A's plot of land at C3, the one point will be subtracted from Class A, and added to Class D.  At the home plot of each class, you have a flag.  You must defend this flag, lest you lose 100 points.  If you take another Class's flag, your class will gain 100 points.  If you take a fake flag and return to camp with it and claim it is the true flag, you will be penalized with 50 points.  You are able to buy things on the island.  This exam is to test your strategic abilities as well as your ability to survive.  Each student will be equipped with a wrist watch that tracks your pulse, hydration levels, etc.  If anything is abnormal, the school will be alerted.  The school will show up to evacuate the student if the readings get too extreme.  There are other ways a class can lose points.  If they are caught hurting the environment and attacking other students, the class will suffer a penalty, and in the case of a fight breaking out, all involved in the starting of the fight will be disqualified and the class will suffer the 30 point demerit.  The students will be able to drop out of the exam at any point, but the class will suffer a 30 point penalty per each drop out.  You have Seven days on the island.  In a few minutes, your homeroom instructor will come to bring you to your allotted plot.  If you are sick, feel free to drop out before the exam.

There is a lot to go through on this exam it seems.  Some might go for a defensive strategy, slowly taking plots of land, and on the final days, go in for the flags.  Others might try to buy as many things as possible, then steal all the flags.  There are many possible strategies to be used, and Ryuen will likely play very aggressive. 

    It's time to put Class A in their place

Author: Hello!  This is the start of the capture the flag exam so that will take up a few chapters.  So I hope you have a great day, and I will see you when I next update!

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