Chapter 68: Talent Show Exam

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                         Ayanokoji Pov
Christmas break had come to a close while the next part of our school life would continue.  In the sea of darkness that is this world is a microscopic flame.  The one holding that flame is the elite, the people believed to lead the world into a golden age and climb the ladder up into greatness.

One thing I have observed by many stories is that these "elite" eventually fall.  Whether by the hand of another elite, by the defectives, or even by themselves. 

I have begun to wonder over the past few weeks about the goal of this school.  To make an elite group of students who can lead Japan and the world to technological greatness through rigorous exams, mental trials, and social teachings.  But what were the downsides of such educational tactics?

Heavy trust issues from the social game at play on this school.  The paranoia of betrayal will haunt these elites through their life until their death.  Immense stress is also a heavy influence on the students.

In Class A, they face an immense amount of stress from the many factors around them.  The stress to preform the best out of anyone, to maintain their position at the top of the food chain lingers in their minds endlessly.  The average Class A student probably has these thoughts.

On the other end of the Class Stress SpectrumTm, the students of Class D.  The stress of how they are in last, how they are defective, deemed useless.  The scorn and hatred aimed at them is abundant as they are made fun of constantly, much at their expense.  From what I observed, Class 2-D, and Class 3-D are in a pitiful state of depression.

They have been beat down by the other classes and the school system.  They have lost all motivation and will to fight, mainly just drifting through day to day, putting guesses on who would be expelled on a giving exam.  Their leaders are either outcasted by the many who believe it was their fault for their state, or are in a depression themselves.  If Hirata had led our class and we had been given 0 points in the monthly allowance, Ike and Yamauchi would blame him.  Many would blame him instead of looking inward on their own flaws and observing themselves.  Hirata would then lose his will. The bullying from the other classes and his own would leave him bitter and resentful as he would give up and the class would lose itself.

Another thing to consider is the potential of unworthy Class A candidates.  It has been probing in the past that Class B can overtake Class A and so on and so forth.  What I mean is that a member of Class A could truly not be elite.  Whether they were carried by far more qualified candidates or somehow mustered up the 20 million points required, they might be undeserving of the status of elite.  For example, Yamauchi.  Yamauchi is in Class B despite the fact that his grades, social awareness, and physical ability are abysmal, on par of, or even below that of a Class D student.

The benefits of this system are very close minded to the defects of the system.  That's not to say that this isn't one of the best systems out there.  While this system is flawed, it is still very efficient at churning out good, yet bad members of society.

The White Room philosophy is different however, it focuses on churning out a few members of society that are good.  The ANHS system focuses on producing many elites, but the White Room system focuses on making a handful of elites.  I've always been curious about which system is better.  I wonder if I can be defeated by the system my father sought to defeat.  I am the Crown Jewel of the White Room, and I wonder if there is anyone in the ANHS system who can oppose and even defeat me.  I seldom faced defeat and many would say that is a good thing.  I yearn for defeat however.  Some might say it is petty, but I want to prove my fathers philosophy wrong.  That, in the end, is my goal.  To taste defeat by a worthy opponent, is my goal.

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