Chapter 49: Studying with Glasses-Kun

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                      Ayanokoji Pov
The bell rang to signal the dismissal of the classes I was sitting down in my seat is the perverts were discussing the Girlfriend situation from Class C.  Ike was doubting the likelihood that Manabe was a real girlfriend.  I saw Yamauchi rolling his eyes and walking away.

I stood up and went to the front of the room to address the class.  Study groups were essential, and seeing as some of our classmates had the ten point demerit, we needed to do some serious prep work.

Ayanokoji: Everyone can I have your attention?  It's about the exam.

Yamauchi: I suppose I can wait then.  If it's for the class, I'll have to tell Manabe-Chan, my GIRLFRIEND, that I'll be late to our meet up!

Ayanokoji: That's good for you but back to the agenda.  For this exam, we need to make study groups.  I was thinking we stick with the same groups from our midterms, and we build off of that.  And we need to focus as much as we can here.  This exam could get us right next to Class C and push us over the line, so we need to focus right now.  And Yukimura-Kun, can I talk to you?

Yukimura: Ayanokoji, yes I can talk to you.  What did you need?

Ayanokoji: I wanted to ask you to make the questions with me.  Does anyone else want to join in maki my the questions?

Horikita raised her hand.  She is capable of helping her class at least.

Horikita: I would like to assist in making the questions with you two, if you don't mind.  I have some ideas and something I need to talk to Ayanokoji-Kun about.

Ayanokoji: Ok that's good.  So the three of us, Horikita, Yukimura, and I, will make the questions and send them into Chabashira-Sensei.  If there are any questions please contact me.  The final thing is which class we wish to target.  As I stated earlier, this is pro chance to overtake Class C.  So going off of that, we should target them.  Ryuen will most likely attack us too, so he can crush us before we're ahead.  But this will be his downfall.  After that, with luck, the points at stake will be 100.  In a battle of intelligence, I do doubt we can come out on top.  So let's rally together and deal a blow to Class C!

I pumped my fist into the air and everyone cheered.  As the class cheered, I gazed to Koenji who was sitting nonchalantly in his chair.  Our eyes met and he stood up and left the room.  Everyone began to disperse into the hallways.  Horikita and Yukimura stood beside me and as everyone drained out, we sat at one of the desks and moved them together.  I pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil.

Ayanokoji: Ok do any of you have any suggestions for questions?

Horikita: Yes, I have a list.

Yukimura: As expected of you, Horikita-San.  I admire your initiative.  I also made a list of questions.

Ayanokoji: I also made some but before we get into that, I want to try something.  The school said they will review anything we send in and send it back if it is too extreme.

Horikita: Yeah and we have three tries before we lose points, what about it?

Ayanokoji: We can send in questions and see what the school deems as extreme.  That way, we can find the boundary and take advantage of it to make the questions as hard as we can.  That way, Class C goes into this with harder questions if they choose us. 

Yukimura: That is a good idea. 

Horikita: Ok then, we're all in agreement.  Let's get to work...

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