Chapter 55: Paper Shuffle

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Ayanokoji Pov
The day of the Paper Shuffle arrived and everyone shuffled into class. I was paired with Hondo and we had already studied to our max capacity (I'm lazy that's why we are skipping over it)   The day had arrived, where we would be receiving Class C's questions for the exam.  I was confident in most everyone's abilities to pass the exam, so I was looking forward to see how the other classes would do and see who would rise higher and who would fall lower.

Everyone was doing last minute studying, I saw Horikita and Kikyo giving each other death glares.  What happened there I wonder?  Why, none other than those two must have established a bet.  I know Kikyo had reached a boiling point with Horikita when Horikita started popping up more and more frequently in her venting sessions.  It's not far off to assume that she went behind my back go get rid of Horikita.  I assume Horikita had this covered, but if she didn't, then there would be no use to her.  A loyal pawn is useless compared to a pawn with strength.  I already had a plan to mold Kikyo to an even greater pawn.  I'm not dense, I know Kikyo has a liking to me. 

I'm her best friend, so all I have to do is be more friendly with her to join us in trust.  When handling a best friend, people trust them most of all, and would never betray them.  Getting Kikyo into a position where she views me as a full friend, she would be loyal like a dog, one I could send running with tennis balls and treats.

Chabashira-Sensei strode in with the papers in hand and gave the copies to the people in the front row, who then passed the papers back.

Chabashira: I hope you all studied adequately with your partners for the past few days.  Remember, this exam sees at least two people expelled each year, primarily from Class D.

Everyone shivered and looked around, wondering if someone would be gone in a day or two.  They were also wondering if they were next, if they would be packing their bags soon and getting on the next bus home.

Chabashira: You will now begin the exam.  Begin!

Everyoen turned their paper over and began to write.  I examined the test.  It was child's play to me, but I could tell Class C had really pushed the limits for what they could and could not submit.  I looked over at Koenji, and I saw him scanning over the test as well with a satisfied grin on his face.  I was right then...

Haruka: Awah, that was sooo hard!

Airi: I-I'm worried for it.  I th-think I got a good score though! 

Keisei: Yes, even if you got a 40, I think I got high 80 range.

We all sat around the table in the cafeteria as we discussed the first part of the exams.  We had taken half already and we're allowed our lunch break.  Airi and Keisei had paired together so I was confident in them passing.  Akito and Haruka were paired with above average students so I was sure they were also fine.  Ken was with Horikita so he should also be fine, even if she lost to Kikyo, Ken would still pass and be fine.  I was fine with Hondo, I was sure he would score at least a 50.

Haruka: Hey Kiyopon, how do you think you did?

Ayanokoji: Yeah, I think I'll be fine!  Hondo and I studied together a lot so I'm sure both of us will do fine!

Ken: Horikita and I studied a lot so I think everyone in the group so safe then right?

Keisei: Don't rejoice too early, we still have many exams left to take.  Who knows what tricks Class C has prepared for us.

Airi: The wording on some of t-those problems was so weird.  I d-didn't know what was happening...

Ayanokoji: The good thing is, they weren't too unreasonable to understand.  I could understand them, Keisei, what about you?

Keisei: I was able to understand the majority of them, but there were some tricky ones there.

I noticed some students walking back to class as we stood up and walked back to class...

It was finally after the exams.  Everyone was happy and I saw Chabashira nod and leave the room.

Sato: Ayanokoji-Kun!  Want to go shopping with us?

Sato walked over with her group f of friends-Karuizawa and Shinohara-and waved me over.

Ayanokoji: Ahaha, sorry I already promised to talk to someone, maybe next time!

Karuizawa: Ok!  See ya around!

I noticed Koenji leave the room and I followe after, ignoring Kikyo's gaze on my back.  I walked up to the rooftop after Koenji and leaned against the wall.

Ryuen: Kukuku, I was wondering when you would show up Mirror Boy.

Koenji: On the contrary, I believe I did not keep you waiting long, did I Dragon Boy?

Ryuen: Yeah, you didn't thanks.  Now why are you here?

Koenji: You know very well why I was here.  The sheets you gave me didn't match.  The answer sheets and actual exam you gave me didn't match.

Ryuen: Yeah?  What of it?

Koenji: What a funny dragon.  Not like I didn't predict this.

Ryuen: Wait what?

Koenji: Oh, I would have thought you saw it coming.  If you had listened to your subordinate, you would have realized before you came here.

Ryuen: Damnit Kaneda!

Koenji: I knew you had Kaneda make the tests to have me give to Milf-Sensei, but I also knew you wanted me gone, so I didn't do it.  But you didn't see me seeing you coming!  Isn't that right, Ayanokoji-Boy?

Ayanokoji: Ahaha, so you caught me huh?

I emerged from the corner and I saw Ryuen smirking at me while Koenji sat down on a bench staring at his hand mirror while playing with his hair.

Koenji: Ayanokoji-Boy figured it out as well, but your foolish misconception of me proved your undoing.  Perhaps you should have not attempted to expel me!

Ryuen: Yeah yeah, I'll have fun with you later.

Ryuen walked over to the bench and ripped the mirror from Koenji, who sat there with a curious look. Ryuen smashed the mirror to the floor and laughed.  Koenji smirked at me though and stood up, and walked away.

I smiled at Ryuen and walked after Koenji.

Ayanokoji: Koenji, why don't you care about the blackmail?  You made an open move against Ryuen correct?

Koenji: Ayanokoji-Boy, you may not understand, but I can be hired anywhere I want to be.  Even if it isn't the Koenji Corporation, I can take over any company.  It's not a matter of how or when, but who I will take over.  My first course of action when I leave this place, to assume me success...

               I will kill my father

Author: Nothing to say this time around.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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