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Let me get hurt more ...
So the vegeance  inside me ...
Become more toxic..


" I am sorry for everything i did , and everything i am going to do "

I looked at him . Anyway i didn't expected him to treat me  better. After whatever happens. One day he has to face the consequences of his doing. And i will be the one who will bring that day .

" Honey you know where is your sister" taehuyng said .

I looked at him with questionable look as if i am asking. Where is she ?  " Where is she ? Does she know what happened?how is she ? " I Asked.

He smirked at me . he pulled out his phone before typing something in his phone. And turned his phone screen towards me . My eyes widened at the site of his mobile. I-its my sister sleeping on floor. Someone is removing her clothes. " Stop!!!!! Stop them taehuyng please stop them . My sister..nini nini wake up please stop please.... Please plea....." And darkness surrounded me .

" Oh fuck ... Stop this for now . " Taehuyng said in his phone before calling the doctor.

" Sir i don't know how your wife condition because more worse.  Sir she is afraid. She is so stressed it's not good sign . If it's happen again she might end up in coma for forever or worst she will loss her life " doctor said making taehuyng feel more guilty.

" Hmm" taehuyng replied while looking at his wife .

" No no whatever i am doing for her . But what if i loss her in this process. I shouldn't have done this ..but mom dad.... Taehuyng throught

Flashback 🦋

Taehuyng got to know y/n is fine now .. he called his parents to tell them this happy news but when he called to tell them happy news his parents give him another fear .

" Mom y/n is fine now . She is awake " taehuyng said

" Ok me and your dad is coming to meet y/n . We will ask if she want to keep the baby or not. If she want to stay with you or not . " His mother replied.

After that taehuyng wasn't left with other options but to threaten y/n with her sister life so she could lie to his parents.

" Hello i want you to kidnap a girl without even knowing her " taehuyng said .

" Ok boss we will do as you said . Send us the girl information " the other side call replied.

*Report attached* (on WhatsApp of the kidnapper phone)

" Sir i got the information don't worry that girl will not know that she was kidnapped" that man said to taehuyng
Making taehuyng smirk .

On the other side nini was in y/n friend Lia apartment. Lia is in her college and as per taehuyng plan she is so busy that she will not reach home before middle night.

Lia was in her room that's when she smelled something werid and she started to feel sleepy and she fainted on floor.

And two man come inside the room with mask on their face and took nini in dinning room on floor. And that's when taehuyng started video call .. they didn't do anything with nini it's was just to make y/n scared and say whatever taehuyng want to his parents.

Flashback end 🦋

Y/n wake up after 3 hours and she saw taehuyng setting infront of her . "M-my sister" she said

" Oh honey don't worry until i am here nothing will happen with her . But you know everything has their own price. " Taehuyng said

" Price " y/n asked with fear

" Yeah so you have to tell my parents you are pregnant and you forgive me and you want to stay with me because you love . Well i know it's true you love me but you have to tell this to my parents. And in return your sister will be safe . See i am giving you so easy work right" taehuyng said

" Pregnant but why do i need to lie about my pregnancy" y/n asked in low voice.

" Well you were pregnant. But not anymore. Doctor aborted that child as you were weak " . Taehuyng replied

Y/n said anything just nodded her head . " I will say whatever you want . Just keep my sister safe " y/n said

Taehuyng smiled and walked towards her and hugged her sitting figure and asked" aren't you are sad that our child is no more " taehuyng asked.

Y/n shook her head and looked straight in his eyes and said " even if i knew . i was pregnant with your child . i would have do same as you . I would have aborted that child . "

Taehuyng felt his soul left his body hearing her answer . He felt a part of him got lost somewhere. His inner self asked him " did i lost her already "

"Whatever bitch i knew you are heart less bitch . Anyway do same what i told you " taehuyng said

" Even if i agree how you gonna give your parents child after few months " y/n asked

Taehuyng smirked and said " Yuna is pregnant with my child . So you will call that child as your "

" So your revenge still haven't ended " y/n asked

Taehuyng looked at her with unknown expression which y/n didn't understand" their is no revenge left be grateful that i treating you nicely now . And remember you are alive because of me because of money "  taehuyng said

" When will you divorce" y/n asked

Taehuyng gritted his teeth and hold her jaw and said " bitch be careful what you say around me . And remember your sister dignity is in my hand " he said left from their

Y/n hand clenched on hospital bed .

Taehuyng parents arrived at hospital alone with nini . That time taehuyng was taking y/n out of bathroom while holding her hand . He was giving her bath in bathroom. After that making her wear clothes he was taking her towards bed thats when y/n eyes fell on nini and she tried to run towards nini that's when she was about to fell that's when taehuyng held her again. Nini walked towards y/n and y/n immediately hugged nini in tight hug and cried on her shoulder. " Sister are you alright " nini asked while hugging y/n . Y/n nodded her head while hugging her sister. Taehuyng felt that his plan will fail now . As y/n actions making him afraid.

" Y/n sweetheart let's talk " taehuyng parents said

Y/n sat on bed while holding nini hand tightly and said in front of everyone

"Nini are  you alright ? Did they hurt you "


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