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Sun shines through the crack between the two curtains, filling the room with dim light.

With a yawn and a strech of my arms, above my head, I look around the room. Belly, Taylor and Hannah are all still in a deep sleep.

My mind flashes back the events from last night. I trail my fingers across my lips, the lips that were locked with Jeremiah Fisher's last night. A smile, streching from ear to ear, appears on my face at the thought.

I throw my legs over the edge of the bed, and hop off, to get changed into an outfit. I chose to wear high waisted, short, ripped denim shorts and a white, v-neck, spegetti strapped crop top.

After brushing my teeth, hair and putting on some makeup i make my ways downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to be greeted by Jeremiah, who us sitting at the island, stiring some gross looking green juice.

"Morning" I greet him, sitting on the stool opposite him.

"Good morning Mads" He licks the spoon placing in back in a honey jar "Mmm, want one?" He asks, gesturing to the cup placed infront of him.

I don't say a word and grab the lucky charms cereal box, that was set next to some milk, and pour some in my mouth.

I place the box back on the couner. He chuckles softly "Okay"

A bright smile appears on my, closed, lips as i chew the crunchy cereal. "What is that stuff any ways?" I ask him

"Green juice and honey" He replies taking a sip.

I strunch my face up in disgust "Gross"

"Hey" He laughs "Don't hate it 'till you tried it" He points at me

"Fine" I lean forward toward him, looking in his eyes, and steal the drink from his hands.

I sit back down in my seat and bring the glass up to my lips. I take a small sip of the green liquid to be pleasantly surprised. I pull my lips into and upside down frown and look at him. "Not actually to bad"

"I told you" He says. I lean back forward and grab his hand. I shove the glass cup back into his hand and stay leaned forward this time.

His eyes travel up and down me, but before anything else can be said or done, we get interupted by someone.

"Hey guys!" Belly greets, i quickly lean back in my chair. She sits beside me completely oblivious.

"Morning" I greet her with a smile.

She lets out a sigh as she pour herself a bowl of lucky charms. I turn my head towards her "Are you alright bells?"

"I take it you and Tay-Tay haven't made up yet?" Jeremiah asks her as she shoves a mouthful of cereal in her mouth.

"Nope" She shakes her head no, as she crunches "We haven't talked since last night"

"Well, when does she leave?" He asks her, taking a sip of his drink.

"uh, in a couple hours" She replies "She is upstairs packing"

Jeremiah hums in response "What about Hannah?" He asks me

"Uh, i think she is staying for the 4th of July celebration" I nod my head.

"Hey, do you guys want to go on a muffin run?" Belly asks both Jeremiah and I. "I have to get out of the house, Hannah can come too"

"Yeah sure, i will ask her" I say. We both turn our heads towards Jeremiah for his answer.

"I'm always down for a muffin run" He says "I'm gonna make a to-go cup, do you mind grabbing the keys from Conrads room?"

"Yeah, uh is he home?" She asks, standing up from her seat.

"No, he spent the night at Nicoles" I give her a tight lipped smile, i know she doesn't want to here that.

"Oh. um.." She pauses "Do you know where he keeps the keys?"

"Uh, they should be in his desk" Jeremiah tells her, with the nodof his head.

She nods and goes to leave "Wait." I say and she turns back around "Can you ask Hannah if she wants to come?"

"Sure" She says, before leaving the room this time.

"Do you want a to-go cup?" Jere asks me, standing up from his seat.

"Nah, i will just drink yours" I laugh, as he get the ingredents, gathering them in his arms and stands next to me to make it.

"Ew, you would get all your saliva on my cup" He jokes, scrunching up his face.

"You didn't mind my saliva last night" I say, causing laugher to errupt in kitchen.

"No i did not" He agrees, blending up an asortment of green foods.

"What are you two giggling about?" Susanah asks, walking over to grab herself a drink.

I look at Jeremiah, then at Susanah, then back at Jere. "Nothing" We both say in unison.

"Mkay" Sauasanh mumbles, giving both of us a look before leaving out the glass doors, walking into the back yard.

"You guys ready to go?" Belly asks, showing the keys in her hand. Hannah is stood next to her, guess she decided to come.

"Yeah" Jeremiah answers, putting the lid on his cup, and walks towards Belly. he takes the keys out of her hand and walks towards the door.

The rest of us trailed behind him, leaving the house to go on a muffin run.

Hi my beautiful people! I can't lie some of this made me cringe a little writting so let me know if it's too much and i will change it. Have a wonderul day/night x

The summer that changed everything- Jereimah fisher Where stories live. Discover now