Coral & Mer-pups vs Moby & Siren pups | Best Pups in the Sea

Start from the beginning

Cora: What kind?

Marina: Any! In fact Aqua, Kelp, Voltage, and myself can all generate endless amounts of kelp from our bodies, generate electricity like an electric eel, etc. but we each favor using certain powers!

Coral and Moby: (surprised) Wow!

Marina: What were we getting to again?

Coral and Moby: Which was better!

Marina: Can we please go with an undersea challenge!

Coral and Moby: (surprised) A challenge?

(scene changes to Voltage and Kelp joining the Marina's group)

Voltage and Kelp: You can do it Marina!

Marina: (bows to her buddies)

Coral: (swims past Moby) (playfully) Any reason, you are doing this instead of her Moby?

Moby: She wishes to do it for the honor of the siren pups! Plus they only made me an honorary one unless I pushed my luck!

Marina: (crosses arms and nods to Coral) This is between us!

Mason: (arrives wearing a diving suit) Ahoy mateys!

Marina: (eye rolls) (playfully) So glad you helped us ease up on pirates!

Coral: What does she mean by that Mason?

Mason: You should've seen what I saw her do to an entire evil pirate fleet! Marina defeated them with a tsunami!

Coral and Moby: (surprised gasps)

Mason: Calm down! It wasn't even in this universe, she did the elemental brawler a favor since those pirates were plundering treasure in their world!

Marina: It's true, I aided them in their world plus it helped unleash a lot of built up anger for what they did!

Voltage, Kelp, and Aqua: Same here!

Coral: So what are you doing down here?

Mason: Marina telepathically called and needed a referee!

Marina: (nods) Mason seemed like a great choice!

Coral: What are the challenges?

Marina: A race, scavenger hunt, and um... you pick the last one!

Coral: How about the first to escape a shipwreck!

Marina: (grins) Bring it!

(scene changes to the surfaces where Coral and Marina are using their front legs and fish trails to swim around the bay several times)

Coral: You are a great swimmer!

Marina: (nods) So are you Coral!

(leaps across the jumps forward to pass the finish line)

Mason: Marina wins the race!

(scene changes to Coral and Marina collecting various things from the ocean floor)

Marina: (gasps when Coral is first to finish) Well played Coral!

Mason's voice: Coral wins the underwater scavenger hunt

Coral: Yay! I won the scavenger hunt!

(scene switches to a sunken big ship summoned by Marina)

Coral: Good luck Marina!

Marina: You too! (tooth grin without Coral noticing) (teleports herself and Coral inside)

Moby: I wonder who will win this one?

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