"So I'm going for dinner then?" I asked trying to see if I could figure out where Lorenzo was taking me.

"You won't get any info out of me princess just eat up" he replied and looked over to Freddie with a smirk. I didn't even bother pressing any further there really was no point with these 3 they were professionals with keeping me in the dark about things recently. I'd gotten to the point now where I knew they'd tell me the stuff I really needed to know and if I wasn't told there was a reason behind it.

Freddie left after a short while leaving Alec with me who didn't move from my side. Since that day he came back so tormented I'd been spending a lot more time with him than I did the other two, it wasn't because I favourited him or enjoyed his company more though. It was mainly for his own comfort, he'd pulled back a little bit from work admitting that he couldn't be as involved in the search for Antonio because it made him lose touch with himself. He wasn't able to keep his anger in check and I was grateful he had pulled back because I didn't want to lose him down a dark hole we might not be able to get him out of. He sat there talking to me about nonsense for the next hour or so keeping me distracted.

"All done" Lana announced and clapped her hands which made me jump. She instantly froze and her eyes met mine in the mirror. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you"

"It's okay I'm just a little jumpy sometimes" I replied with a false smile. I needed to get a fucking grip of myself.

It was the first time I'd looked up at my self in the mirror since Alec had come in and what I saw made me gasp. My hair was pinned up with a few stray strands framing my face and my make up is subtle and neutral just how I like it, still allowing for my freckles to be visible. I hadn't worn make up in months or had my hair done in such a long time. As I stared at myself in the mirror I felt like I was staring at someone I used to know but barely recognised anymore. I'd spent so much time trying to get back to the person I was before but in the last few weeks I'd come to realise she doesn't exist anymore she was torn away from me by Antonio now I'm this version of me. The one that's fighting to be stronger, less fearful and allowing herself to be utterly loved by the most amazing 3 men, even though I'm damaged. Continuing to stare at myself I begin to realise I'm actually starting to like this version of me.

"Now for what to wear" Lana beamed with excitement interrupting my train of thought. My eyes darted to Alec straight away. I didn't want her to dress me, I was grateful for the hair and make up but the thought of having to try different outfits on made me panic. I could feel my heart racing at the thought of having to show any of my chest, all the dresses I had would show off my skin too much and just when I went to shut down completely Lorenzo appeared in the doorway. Just the sight of him had me catching my breath, he was wearing dark grey tailored suit trousers and a perfectly fitted white shirt that highlighted his muscles exquisitely.

"Lana thanks for everything Lorenzo will take it from here" Alec said sweetly as he stood and guided her out of the room before giving Lorenzo a subtle nod. That was when I noticed the bag in his hand.

"Everything okay?" Lorenzo asked closing the door behind him.

"I just" I said trailing off and looking down.

"You don't want to wear anything that will show your scars" he quickly said finishing off my sentence for me. I went to say no but I couldn't even lie and there was no point because he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Try this one" he said as he handed me the bag he was holding. Placing it on the bed I pulled out the dress inside, it was a beautiful champagne coloured mini dress, it had a high neck that covered the whole of my chest which was the worst part of my body that had been scarred. Accompanying the high neck it had long sleeves that covered my arms and the distinctive scar the run the length of my left arm and the burn marks. The only problem with it was the open back that would expose the scars that were very evident but not as gruesome as the others. It seemed like Antonio made sure to mark the areas of my body that would be most visible to me where I would be constantly reminded of them just like he said. "Go on I'll wait here" he said nodded for towards the bathroom.

It fitted perfectly but then I didn't expect any less, I never understood how they always managed to get it right. I hesitated a little before going back into the bedroom, taking one last look at myself in the mirror. Even though my back was on show I didn't feel disgusting, I could manage with it being so exposed. It was the same with my legs the scars there were a lot less visible and with it being night time they probably wouldn't be able to be seen as much. Taking a deep breath I finally opened the door and stepped back into the bathroom.

He seemed to be speechless as he analysed me, his eyes working over every part of my body. "Fucking hell Alissandra you have no idea how unbelievably beautiful you are do you" for the first time in months I did feel beautiful. They didn't care about my scars, they weren't disgusted by them like I always feared they would be. Too them every inch of me was perfect and i was starting to accept that even though it took a little pushing at times.

I went to put my heels on and just as I did Lorenzo kneeled down and started to fasten them up for me. "Look at you down on one knee" I teased finding it quite amusing but as he looked up at me there was no humour in his expression.

Finishing with my other shoe he stands and examines my face carefully "Is that what you want Alissandra?" He asks and when I don't respond he continues his brows pinching together. "Marriage, kids all of that?" He's deadly serious I can tell by the tone of his voice and for a moment my heart sinks. Is that what I want?

"I don't know" I reply honestly, the truth is I've never even considered what my future would look like with them. Would I be any marriage and kids? Would I want that with them? Would it even work?

My head starts filling with an endless plethora of questions that until now I had never once considered.

Their Girl: The HuntWhere stories live. Discover now