all of the letters had fairly sloppy hand writing but you where able to make it out.

The writer addressed to your Mom obviously, calling her by her first name but "alt future self"? Wha--

And then the person sort of scribbled some more writing like he was in a rush.

You notice that your Mom had thrown them away and you can't complain.

Stupid spammer.

The book on the other hand kept your attention. You decide to leave it alone and try and contact Maxx about it.

Thats when an asshole started bothering you,

great who is it this time? If its WG you will kill them....oh never mind. Its someone else you don't know.

--tediousCharmer [TC] began trolling everdoomedBlossom [EB]--

TC: Hello there, dear :o)

EB: huh?

EB: uhhh, sorry! i don't think i know you! :P

TC: Wait.

TC: Oh no I contacted the wrong you, my mistake.

TC: But it seems that you are in some sort of trouble, which is worth sparring my time since there is nothing to do on this dreaded meteor and wait for a friend of mine to

TC: I'd

TC: rather not continue that, you know very little still Ella.

EB: how do you know my name!?

TC: Oh

TC: Right

EB: and calling me dear?! i don't know you even if your nicer then the others...

TC: Well you see from the time I am contacting you, we are the best of pals. :o)

TC: Which is why I gave you the little honk face to express my feeling of happiness when I speak to you.

EB: i'm not stupid i know thats a happy face! >:(

TC: Lovely

TC: *Ella

TC: I know your strange adult lusus has been taken by you, but it isn't any worry.

TC: Your mother is perfectly fine for now

EB: for now?!?!?!

EB: where is she? is she in my house?

TC: Ah this is where it gets upsetting

TC: I have no idea where your mother is except she is missing.

TC: Now what have you done with those letters?

EB: fuck!!!!

TC: Are you alright?

EB: no!!!!

EB: you know so much about me and its really REALLY scary!

TC: Oh :o(

TC: Well I suppose I'm not being very gentleman like then

EB: please leave me alone!

TC: *sigh*

TC: Alright, but if you need help I will be here

TC: I suppose I can go back to lolling around and putting ribbons in my hair like pupas.

TC: That was not sarcasm we have our handful of children in our session.

TC: and child like people but that is not the matter.

Six: The Old VersionWhere stories live. Discover now