Chapter 14 - Antarctic Facility Pt. 2/2 "Gods and Demons"

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   Both quickly snapped their bodies around to face the other, both warriors forcibly slamming their weapons together, a massive geyser of sparks crashing onto the ground from the force of the men's combined attacks.

"'Two years I've been working towards this, and on the last day blondie has me doubting the whole thing. We'll leave it up to fate then, shall we Wolfy?',"

   The Slayer suddenly burst towards Karna, sending him across the white snowfields as both continued their wild combat. Jetstreams of air blasted from their hits as fire and flames undulated behind their weapons, highlighting the movements of their blades.

   Both flew across the snow, twin trails red and green respectively spiraled around each other as both darted past the other's weapons, dodging rather than blocking while trying to strike at the same time.

"'What happens after that, is up to you, Wolfy,' There will be blood!"

   The Slayer dragged his sword into the snow, a wall of the white powder blocking Karna's view as he sliced into the earth before hammering away at Karna's lance, the Servant being forced onto the defensive. Their hits tore into the Earth, the superheated tips of their blades leaving visible scars of molten magma before the frigid temperatures cooled the magma into a blackened rock.

   Suddenly the Slayer whipped a beam of green energy at Karna, the light tearing away at the landscape, exposing the rock beneath the snow. Karna flew at the Slayer, going on the offensive as he expertly stabbed at the man, only to be blocked by the blade the Slayer held.

"There will be blood! Blood! Shed! Shed! It's the only thing I've ever known!"

   Karna attempted to launch a flaming ray at the Slayer, however, the man quickly shoved the Lancer's spear down, forcing the attack into the Earth. The beam tore into the Earth beneath them, resulting in the rock the two were standing on exploding as though it were a dormant volcano.

   Massive asteroid-sized rocks flew into the air surrounded by the impending fireball. Both men surged at the other, ignoring the abrupt change in scenery as both dashed across the stones, tearing into the surface of the boulders while hacking at the other, rings of light bursting around their bodies while they darted onto whatever piece of land they could find on their ascent upwards.

"Losing my identity, wondering, "Have I gone insane?","

   The Slayer raced upwards past the topmost expanses of the fireball, holding his sword above his head conjuring energy around his blade. With a mighty roar, the Slayer swiped downwards, launching dozens of streams of green energy, each crashing into the Earth below.

   Karna hunched down, his body taking the hits as hundreds of explosions echoed all around him, craters littering the ground as the Slayer bored into the Earth. Karna rocketed off of the ground, shockwaves echoing from his body as he soared towards the Slayer.

"There will be blood! Blood! Shed! Shed! The man in the mirror nods his head!"

   Seeing Karna, the Slayer dove towards the Lancer to meet him head-on before both struck at each other once more. The Slayer kicked Karna down to get some distance between them before spiraling the weapon at its full length, a massive hurricane-like torrent of energy keeping Karna at bay.

    The Slayer spun around, conjuring another attack before releasing a massive beam toward the Lancer. Karna flew underneath, the Slayer canceling his attack before wildly whipping his sword to strike Karna as the Lancer pursued him, deflecting the weapon as he gave chase.

Fate/Twin Points - Collecting of the Demonic Aggregate: GoetiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon