Doc: "They may be slow, but their posture is excellent!"

O'Malley: "Huhhg..."

Doc: "A for effort, Lopez!"

Cut to Sarge with Grif, Donut, and Simmons.

Sarge: "I think they're distracted. Let's use this chance to slip away."

Simmons: "Great idea, Sir. I have a lock on the distress signal. We can head right for it."

Sarge: "Good thinking Simmons. Everybody in the jeep."

Simmons: "Shotgun!"

Grif: "Shotgun! Fuck."

Yang and Ruby laughed remembering their arguments in the car with their dad.

Donut: "Shotgun's lap!"

Simmons: "Fuck!"

Yang and Blake laughed even harder.

Sarge: "There's just no room for four people. Someone will have to jog alongside. Grif?"

Grif: " Jog? What's that?"

"What! He doesn't know what jogging is!" Ruby said offended.

"That's... surprising." Pyrrha gasped.

Simmons: "It's like running slowly, dear God you don't know what jogging means?"

Grif: "Yeah, you lost me at running. Sorry, it's not in my contract."

"My thoughts exactly." Yang commented.

"I thought you liked running?" Ruby said confused.

"What gave you that idea?" Yang asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, back home you used to always go on afternoon runs." Ruby pointed out.

Yang laughed, "Yeah? to stay fit."

Donut: "Oh, don't worry, I'll do it. Just give me one second while I put my jogging shorts on."

Grif: "Wait. I wanna reconsider."

Donut: "Who wants to hold my ankles while I stretch out my hammies?"

Sarge: "Noone's fallin' for that twice, Donut."

Cut to Tex peering out a window at the Robot Army

Tex: "Alright, I think I can take 'em. I just need a better weapon." She said staring at Tucker's sword.

"I would never let anyone else touch that sword if I had it." Jaune commented.

"Oh yeah." Weiss said pulling out her scroll. "Winter says the scientists have made a breakthrough using hard light Dust."

Jaune smiled, "That's great!"

Tucker: "Want me to help you find one?"

Tex: "Mm, why don't you just give me your sword?"

Tucker: "No way, I can see right through your little ploy. You just want me to give you the sword."

"Wasn't much of a ploy." Blake commented.

Tex: "That's what I just said."

Tucker: "Yeah, but it's the way you said it."

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