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She issued orders, knowing that the patient needed to be rushed to surgery, now. Even though Kate had paged for a neurosurgeon, no one seemed to be answering the call, so she took it upon herself, to get her patient to the surgery floor and do it herself.

She had begun to wheel the patient out, when none other than doctor asshole shows up, that smug fucking grin on his face as he towered over her.

'I'll take it from here..'.. He said, brushing past her, and Christine suddenly appears. She snorted, in response. Of course. He was two busy fucking around with his girlfriend to give two shits about anyone else.

'No, my patient, my orders. You are not doing this, I am..'... He had taken the notes from the bed, quickly looking over them, and raised an eyebrow at her.

'Car accident right? The RTCs that came in. Simple, bleed. I can be in and out in 30 minutes..'.. He put the chart down and began to wheel the bed, when she stopped him.

'Cerebral amyloid angiopathy..'.. She told him with a glare.

'I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were a neurosurgeon too. When did you get your doctorate?..'.. He was being his usual condescending self, and again tried to take her patient.

'I have never been wrong Strange..'.. She gritted out at him.

'I thought this was an emergency case, yet you're standing here, arguing about who's right? Sure, let's do that..'... He smirked at her and she clenched her fists, trying not to let him get to her... 'You might want to move..'

She remained where she was, and he rolled his eyes at her, moving over and taking her arm, pulling her to the side... 'Take him up, get him prepped. I'll be right there..'.. Christine does as he tells her, and she couldn't help but growl in frustration as her patient was taken away.

'Dr Johnson, I get that you are good at what you do, but I am the top neurosurgeon here, not you. You have no expertise in this field, so I suggest you stick to what you know. I'm sure there are plenty of others who require your attention, go deal with them, while I save the life of the patient you were holding back..'.. He released her arm, and stood back, with that fucking smirk again. He began to walk off, and something in her snapped.

She was sick of him talking down to her all the time , and now, dismissing her diagnosis. She knew she was right. Just because she wasn't a qualified neurosurgeon, didn't mean that she didn't know what she was doing. If he did the surgery his own way, her patient would be dead within minutes of being on that table.

Stalking towards him, her fists tightened... 'Hey, asshole..'.. She saw him stop, turning to her, and she swung as hard as she could, punching him in the face as hard as she could, that she knocked him out cold.

She stood there, with him at her feet, shaking her hand, when it all came crashing down on her, and she looked around, seeing she had a big audience... 'Shit..'.. She muttered, sighing as she closed her eyes and shook her head.

'Dr Johnson, my office, now! Dr Evans, see to Dr Strange and find someone to take over his surgeries for the rest of the day..'.. She sighed again, and turned, seeing the ER director, Dr Manning, glare at her. She took a breath and followed after him, to his office.

She knew this was it. She had warnings before about her conduct, though it didn't matter that she had an amazing record, it was how she acted that pissed off the director. Well, that and the fact that she turned him down many times, after he pestered her about going out on a date.

Entering his office, she just flopped in a chair and folded her arms... 'Let me guess, written warning and suspension, no pay?..'

She watched as he came around his desk and sat down, a scowl etched into his face... 'For now, but once the board hears about this, I'm sure you'll be fired. You have no control over yourself, and now attacking a high profile surgeon..'.. She rolled her eyes.

'You really want to do this? I'm the best fucking doctor here and you know it. I have the best record on patient care, and diagnosis. I've handled the people that come in here and attack others, hell I even saved your ass, remember?..'.. She stood up, leaning on his desk... 'Go ahead, fire me. I'll find another hospital anyway..'

'I highly doubt anyone would want to hire a doctor that assaults others, has zero people skills and sleeps around with the staff..'.. He spat his words out and she stood up, a shocked laugh escaping her.

'Oh, you want to play that game. Fine, do what you want, but I can promise you, it will come back and bite you in the ass. Fuck you Manning..'.. She turned and yanked open his door, striding back down to the ER, heading for the doctors lounge. She was done for the day, and dealing with pricks like them. Throwing the door open, she gets to her locker and rips it open.

'This anything to do with you knocking out Dr hottie?..'.. She rolled her eyes, and turned her head, seeing Sarah sat eating her lunch.

'Mother fucker deserved it..'.. She pulls out her bag, and starts emptying her locker into it... 'Suspended, and heading towards being fired. Its fine, Manning threatened to have me blacklisted if I go work else where, giving them an account how I'm violent, antisocial and that I'm basically a whore..'... She slammed her locker shut.

'What the hell? Are you serious?..'.. Sarah got up, coming to her side, as she put on her jacket... 'Why would he do that?..'

She gave Sarah a look... 'Cause I won't fuck him, let alone give him the time of day. You know what he's like, he's been trying it on with you and the other girls..'.. She shook her head... 'I need to get out of here before I put Manning in one of the beds myself..'.. She hugged Sarah and then stepped towards the door... 'Tell the others to call or message, we need to catch up for drinks this week..'

Stepping out of the room, she headed for the exit, needing to get out of the building before she would commit murder. Pulling her phone out, she instantly went to her contacts and called her brother, thankful that no matter what he was doing, he always answered.

'Hey doc, what's up?..'..

'I am in serious need of an alcohol. Can you and anyone else who's free come meet me at Murrays in an hour? I need to get home and changed first..'.. She sighed, heading left towards her penthouse, she was thankful it was only a 15 minute walk.


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