Chapter 43

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Aiah woke up first the next day. She was happy seeing Mikha beside her, engulfing her in her arms. Aiah realized she wanted to get up every morning like this, cuddled beside Mikha. She propped up and started tracing the lovely broad eyebrows of Mikha down to her chiselled nose and soft, plump lips. Mikha opened her eyes because of the touch felt.

"Good Morning! What a beautiful morning. But it is still early, my dear." Mikha said with her bedroom voice. She embraces back, Aiah, and encouraged to lie down again beside her.

"What do you prefer to do today? I took some days off while you are here." Mikha added.

"I wish to see the new hotel first and do some paperworks in Shaerd Hotel and then the rest of the day I am all yours." Aiah said while hugging Mikha. Mikha kissed Aiah's forehead and cuddled her up for a couple of minutes before they got up.

Mikha suggested having their brunch in café concerto along Piccadilly Circus. They just walked after they ate to see the new Shertoin Hotel which was just in front of Green Park, and walking distance to the Buckingham Palace.

Aiah encouraged Mikha to come with her inside and they were amazed at the entire construction of the building, including the aesthetic of it. Mikha feels so proud of the entire project of her friends. Then, she saw the two engineers, Gelo and Aki, together with Reign, the interior designer.

Aiah was still busy talking to Reign and to the other crew of the project. While Mikha was approached by the two engineers asking what was she doing in the building. Mikha related she was there because of Aiah, and she congratulated them on their wonderful work.

Mikha suggested celebrating once they are all done with the project. The two engineers were suspicious why Mikha knew the owner, but they would rather not interrogate her at the site. On the other side, Reign was looking at Mikha and her friends, who were chatting along the corner. Then Aiah noticed how she glances in Mikha's direction. It was unclear to her why she felt different from the way Reign looked at Mikha, and she was not happy with it.

"Eheem.....eheemmm.... That is all for today, ladies and gents. I am still around and if you still have some questions, please let me know." Aiah informed the crew. Aiah approached Mikha afterwards while the latter was still talking to her friends.

"Hey! Hi guys, are you alright? By the way, thank you for all your effort. I am impressed by how you executed the design." Aiah related to Aki and Gelo.

"They are my buddies, you see! Of course, they are one of the best engineers here in London." Mikha beaming with pride at their friends.

Reign remains looking in their direction and Mikha noticed her. She smiled and waved back at her. Aiah saw the silent interaction and invited Mikha to move to another floor.

"Let's go to the top floor. I want to show you our main office." Aiah encouraged her with a sense of urgency.

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