Chapter 32

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Mikhs could not have believe what she was witnessing today. For 2 years she was looking for the person in front of her and now her boyfriend requested her to work on their art pieces. What was the odd of bringing them together?

"Thank you for coming to a brief notice. I appreciate how busy you are at the moment. You know, Love, Ms. Liem is not only an artist, but she is also a well-known architect here in London with her own firm and a traveller as well." Jeremy mentioned the information amused with the artist credibility.

"Of all the places you have been, which one is your favourite, Ms. Liem." Jeremy added.

"Just call me Mikhs, Jeremy. I enjoyed travelling in Europe–Barcelona and Rome, to be more specific." Mikhs shared, looking directly at Aiah.

"Love, you have been to those places, right? Aiah supposed to be seeing Madrid and Barcelona only, but for some unknown reason, she requested to extend 5 more days in Europe and went to Rome after.... And, I was pleased. I let her travel on her own. She came home happy and refreshed." Jeremy ranted.

"I am contented to know she enjoyed herself travelling to those countries because I did too." Mikhs shared, but remains staring at Aiah.

It bemused Reign with the commoned glances in between Aiah and Mikhs, but before it will go awkward at the end, she batted in and delved them back to business. Jeremy pointed what specific designs and art pieces he preferred for the hotel. He also mentioned he wanted to have some as well for his house back in L.A.

"I am setting up my painting exhibit close to here. You guys might want to see some of my collections before it goes out on public display." Mikhs does not know why she suddenly invited them to her art gallery. Perhaps she was hoping to have some time alone as well with Aiah. Then, it seems all the deities around heard Miks, and suddenly Jeremy's phone went off, signalling for a phone call.

"Sorry guys, I have to look at this necessary business call," Jeremy interrupted. Mikhs said to go on, get his call. After a few minutes, Jeremy take back to the group and apologized that he could not join them. He needed to have an important business video meeting back in L.A. and asked Aiah to continue with Reign and Mikhs instead. On their way out of the conference room, Reign also apologized to Aiah and Mikhs that she could not accompany them as well, since she had some commitment rear to their office for another meeting.

"I guess it is just you and me going now, not unless you want to reschedule it?" Mikhs said, but she was hoping Aiah will still agree to join her.

"So Ms. Arcieta, soon to be Mrs. Glen, are you alright to come with me to the gallery? The place is close to here, we can just walk." Miks emphasized the title of Aiah, also to let herself believe Aiah is now off limits, even to her.

Aiah nodded at her response. She was glad that it will give her a chance to have sometime alone with the artist. She knows she needed to somehow explain things to her. They started walking out of the conference room, silence engulf their entire journey.

The two lost souls did not know what to say. Yes, they have been given a chance to cross their path again, but to find out that one is tied up and soon to be married.

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