Chapter 11

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It was mid-afternoon when they walked around St. Peter's Square, which was close to their flat. Walking on cobblestones road feels like you are in the film Angels and Demon starring Tom Hanks, filmed in Rome's tourist landmark.

Aiah was beyond captivated by the view of the Basilica in front of St. Peter's Square. I saw her moving in circles with her arms wide, perhaps savouring the beauty of the place. Aiah looks at peace and happy compared to the first day I saw her. Then when she opens her eyes she caught me staring at her. But this time she never teases me but responded with her lovely smile, which melted my heart away.

I volunteered to take her photos since I have been here most of the time already, but she requested to take our photos together, remembrance, she said. Then Afterwards, we walked on the way to Castel Sant'Angelo, then on the way to the Spanish Steps. We both climbed 135 steps to see the French Church on top in time to watch the sunset. We stayed there for a bit to see the view of the city.

After sometimes I invited her to go to our next stop, Piazza Navona one of the most popular squares in Rome. In an instinct, I held her arms, stepping down the stairs, and Aiah gave me a look.

"Oh, I am sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable doing that? It's just I know how steep the stairs are, that's why." Mikha scratching her head a mannerism she always does when she is embarrasshed.

"Why so defensive Miks, I guess I am not used to having someone so caring just like you. Since we met, you always asked how I feel. You are so sweet and genuine as a person." Aiah chuckled, and held Miks hand instead of her arm.

"Oh! Perhaps you are just surrounded by the wrong people then. Friends always need to cover their backs no matter what. Caring is normal. Look at me and Jao" Miks said in a serious concerned tone while looking at Aiah. Aiah felt sad at the comment, and she fell silent right after.

Miks noticed Aiah's sudden mood change, and she could not fathom why. Instead of asking, she just hailed a cab to send them to the next stop, thinking Aiah might just be hungry already.

"Hey! Do you want to eat first? There are loads of ristorante along Piazza Navona?" Miks asked.

"Yeah! Whatever, I am fine with what you decide." Aiah responded. Miks was bewildered by Aiah's response.

"Are you alright, Aiah? Did I do something wrong? Miks bluntly asked.

"I am alright Miks, I am just hungry and thirsty," Aiah responded, but remains quiet afterwards.

"OK, the place is not that far. We can eat first before we head home," Miks said, still with a concerned expression. Right after they got off from the taxi, Aiah remains quiet. Miks can sense something is bothering her friend, and she doesn't like it.

"Aiah, hey, talk to me, I know something is bothering you. Sorry if I offended you. I am not used to you being this quiet." Miks is pleading now while holding Aiah's arm.

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