Chapter 6

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"Are you ready to walk for another next stop, Queen?" Mikha asked. Aiah nodded and asked the latter to lead the way.

Their next agenda for the day is Arco de Triunfo or Triumphal Arch, then they walk through Parc de la Ciutadella. It satisfied them both with their agenda for the day, and they headed back to the hotel to have their dinner. They stayed up late for a bit, enjoying their conversations while sitting in their balcony suite drinking some Spanish wine.

After sometime, tiredness getting a toil to both of them and agreed to rest afterwards. Aiah encouraged Miks to stay with her in the room, since they have a king-size bed that can fit both of them. Miks remains adamant and declined the invitation. They are still a stranger to each other and, besides, she remains awkward about the situation. She mentioned she was happy to stay on the sofa for the rest of their stay in Barcelona.

Aiah never pushed the issue and agreed to let Miks to use the sofa, but she said if she gets uncomfortable with it, she can just join her in the room. Miks responded with a nod, and they agreed to continue their journey the next day around 11am. Aiah wanted for them to grab some breakfast first in the hotel before touring around the city again.

They both decided to just enjoy walking around without an agenda at hand. Miks wanted to see Park Güell, so both of them walked around Carmel Hill, where the Park was located. It feels like they are living in the Stone Age, but in a more modern era. Each structure has a very odd motif of mosaics, colours, and exquisite décor of the building. The architectural design plus those odd mosaics completed the structure, including the museum inside the Park, it mesmerised Aiah.

 The architectural design plus those odd mosaics completed the structure, including the museum inside the Park, it mesmerised Aiah

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Mikha noticed the sudden glow in Aiah's dark orb eyes. It bemused her by Aiah's beauty, and she couldn't help but to appreciate her more. Mentally reiterated to herself not to fall for her current favourite human subject. Aiah noticed Miks staring at her, and she felt vulnerable once again. It seems like the latter was penetrating her enormous soul by merely looking at her. It started her to feel weak each time. Somehow, it gives her the vibe that she is the most important person in front of the artist.

Mikha felt mortified that Aiah caught her staring, flushed, and averted her eyes. Aiah saw the artist was blushing, and she started teasing her about it. "Hey! Is this the first time you see a pretty face like me, Mikha?" Aiah said. The more, Miks turned like a rotten tomato, too embarrassed to react.

"Calm down Miks, I am just teasing you. Let's go somewhere now, I am starving". Aiah said, clang in Miks arms afterwards. Miks was surprised by Aiah's action. She looks at the arm holding her, and it feels like she is now suffocating. She wanted to avoid being obvious about it and responded. "Let's go then. I want to eat seafood, Paella. I know a place."

They booked a taxi and headed to the Gothic Quarter to find a pleasant restaurant to have their late lunch. After consuming and savouring the paella ordered, they began strolling to the centuries dark façade corner of the area. Until they stumbled upon the street performers and both captivated by the group of people dancing to the music. While watching, a middle—age couple dragged them to dance with them and ended up being paired together after, then a mellow salsa music playing.

The awkwardness was imminent at the start, but they got carried away from the crowd cheering for the two of them. They started enjoying the moment and stopped when both of their feet ached. Mikha likes the warm touch of their hands. It feels like their hands fit together.

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