Chapter 15

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The nights were full of laughter. Miks unfortunately, was the centre of their conversation. All of her friends brought out all the fun fact about Miks. Sadly, Miks could not hide her embarrassment from Aiah her cheeks is the colour of her heart now. Though she was the price of conversation, she was happy seeing Aiah enjoying her time together with her friends. Aiah's laughter is just like soft music you wanted to repeat on your playlist on Spotify.

Then, their laughter was halted when a person showed up in front of the restaurant. "Hi everyone, it's nice to see all of you again. I brought our favourite wine. I hope it is still alright to come to this yearly mini reunion?"

Everyone in the room felt the tension and averted their gazes to Miks. Aiah gave a questioning look to all, asking for an answer to what was going on. The person at the front door remains standing, waiting for everyone to let her in, until R-ji came out from the kitchen and greeted her.

"Hi Shanaia! Come in, join us. I bumped into her at the market and I found out she was in the country for 2 weeks. She wanted to see all of us, and she was saying she misses the group. So, I invited her in. I guess it's about time for us to be complete. R-ji felt guilty and gave Miks a pleading look for not informing her about Shanaia presence.

Miks caught everyone looking at her, including Aiah, who was still confused about the obvious tension within the group. Miks was surprised, but she would rather not disrespect Shanaia in front of Aiah. Aiah remains clueless about her relationship with the person who just came in.

Miks was about to introduce Shanaia, but Stacey held her hand under the table and did it instead.

"By the way, Aiah, meet our friend Shanaia G., the creative designer of the group from the U.S. Shanaia meet Miks friend, Aiah.

Aiah extended her hand for a handshake. "Hi! Nice to meet you." The other one did the same thing as well, while Miks was just looking at the two ladies in front of her. The tension remains clear, but Jao as a host, changed the mood of everyone. A groovy song played and Jao encouraged everyone to dance just like the old times.

They moved the table to provide a space to be their dance floor. Sheena suddenly changed the song, and No Fear played instead. It amazes Aiah how the group dances in sync at the song with so much energy all evening. Her attention drifted to Miks, the way she moved was so graceful. She was now wondering what else Miks could not do, the person can cook, dance and sketch.

After 30 minutes of continuous dancing, the group rested, but Colet had a different idea at hand. Colet handed a guitar, encouraging Miks to play some song for everyone. The former wink, signalling to showcase her beautiful voice in front of Aiah. Miks started scratching her head, a mannerism Aiah thought when the former felt embarrassed. Aiah cajoled Miks to play, which earned some teasing from the group.

Miks has no choice but to accept the challenge. She set up the guitar first, then started strumming and sang "Huwag muna tayong umuwi." Aiah was captivated by Miks angelic voice, a lullaby in her ears. Miks looks in Aiah's direction while singing the chorus of the song and vice versa.

Shanaia never missed the gazes between them. She was hurt, but she could do nothing, and she went to the toilet to hide her emotions. Aiah saw the sadness in the eyes of Shanaia and asked Stacey who she was in Miks life. Stacey shared the information that Shanaia is Miks ex-girlfriend. "Ohhh....." the only word that comes out of her mouth. 

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