Chapter 13

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"I just love the Roman Empire designs. Even their art is magnificent, how I wish I can be as good as those artists back then." Miks shared.

"Hey! You are good Miks, I have seen your sketches. They look very realistic. You should be proud of yourself. I am a fan of your work already." Aiah said.

"Thank you. Having you as my fan means a lot to me already? I am fluttered." Miks happily said.

"Speaking of a fan, have you seen the movie Gladiator? The queen in the film adored Russell Rowe there. It must be difficult watching him down here fighting while she was up there on the stage. It must be so terrifying seeing someone you love getting hurt, even though you have the chance to stop it. Miks added.

"Hmm... Are we still talking about the film Miks? It seems like you are talking a metaphor here. I sense you are referring to yourself. Has someone closer to you have hurt you? Aiah looks at Miks with full of concerns.

"I am referring to the film, and yes, I am hurt as well, but I don't want to talk about it. Come on, we are on our holiday." Miks relayed, still looking at the bottom view of the Coliseum.

"It must be that painful to avoid it, huh? Aiah was still curious about the story.

"Let's explore this place more. Come on.... No more poking about my love drama, caused you will not have it. Miks said while holding Aiah's arms, dragging away from the place.

"Come on, sharing is caring, Miks." Aiah remains stubborn and still pestering to provide her information.

Mikha let go of Aiah's arm and walked ahead, leaving Aiah standing. It was still fresh to talk about it, and she wanted to avoid being vulnerable in front of Aiah, who remains a stranger to her.

It alarmed Aiah with Miks reaction. She realized she went overboard there, especially since they are remains stranger to each other.

"Hey wait up Miks, I do apologize for pushing the issue. I am not entitled to disrespect your wish to share some part of your private life. Sorry, forgive me." Aiah is pleading.

"Let's not talk about it, OK, you are forgiven." Miks said.

"Thanks Miks, OK, let us make some rule, caused I don't want you to get mad at me. You might leave me for real next time." Aiah is now pouting.

"Rules? You are silly..."Miks is now shaking her head.

"Yes, rules, so we can enjoy the remaining days of our holiday, and to avoid falling out. Then, if we think of something else, we can add on to our list. Agree?" Aiah is chuckling and started writing them down. As silly as it sounds, Miks just agreed by giving a nod.


1.    No more sharing of information about their love life unless mentioned by other people.
2.    No revelations of their current status unless mentioned by friends or other people.
3.    No sharing of any social media account.
4.    No sharing of their personal addresses or telephone number.
5.    Will stick together on the entire trip, even with friends around.
6.    No random hook up while on this trip, refer to no. 5

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